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Future Internet: Sensor Networks Security 2008-10-27 Yongkoo Han.

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1 Future Internet: Sensor Networks Security 2008-10-27 Yongkoo Han

2 Sensor Network Security Obstacles to Sensor Network Security –Very limited resource Limited memory and storage space Power limitation –Unreliable Communication Unreliable Transfer Latency –Unattended operation Exposure to physical attacks Managed remotely Security Requirements –Data confidentiality –Data integrity –Authentication –Availability –Secure localization, self-organization…

3 Current Encryption Algorithms Currently TinySec and Hardware AES-128 guarantee message authenticity, integrity, and confidentiality –TinySec Target Radio chips: CC1000, CC1100 Lightweight link layer security mechanism for sensor networks –Hardware AES-128 Target Radio chips: CC2420, CC2520 performs much faster than AES S/W –TinySec and Hardware AES-128 can be used only between specific target sensors  Need to implement full-fledged and light software encryption algorithm for general sensors CC2420 CC1000 Hardware AES-128 TinySec CC2420 CC1000 ?

4 Term-Project Plan It is very difficult for me to develop new sensor security algorithm  I want to try to convert AES to nesC based AES 1. Understand AES algorithm 2. Implement AES using nesC 3. Download the nesC based AES to sensor 4. Test and evaluation Battery consumption Operation time Contribution from Term-project –Understand AES algorithm –Understand why we cannot use AES S/W on the sensor

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