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Welcome to “ A revolutionary business model” Let us learn how this business model works as the significance of the name is about.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to “ A revolutionary business model” Let us learn how this business model works as the significance of the name is about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to “ A revolutionary business model” Let us learn how this business model works as the significance of the name is about how your wealth grow 24 x 7. Welcome to “ A revolutionary business model” Let us learn how this business model works as the significance of the name is about how your wealth grow 24 x 7.

2 1.No Fake Commitment 2.Term Deposit with compound interest introduced by wealth 24 seven with community platform to help people grow their wealth. 3.No waiting period after commitment 4.No need to upload slip so no fake slips. 5.Get your wealth with in an hour of requesting for “Get Help”. 6.No waiting time after “Get Help” 7.Unique system of its type introduced globally after success in SA. 8.Central Bit Coin Account for all In-flow and Out-Flow. 9.Great support system with live chat 24x7 available to provide best support to its participants. 10. Increased In-Manager Level up to 35%. 11.Get your manager position with 5 Active participant introduced by you. 12.Great opportunity to grow your wealth. 13.Huge response from all over the globe. Wealth 24 seven coin is a social financial network of common people helping each other ! Reason why you must not waste time to join this program.

3 The best way to predict the future... is to CREATE it ! Calculation Chart

4 Let us learn how it works. Step 1. Click on Sign Up option to open sign up form. Your Email here Select Your Country Your Contact Number Your login password and confirm password Your transaction password and transaction confirm password Your Referral Id Here

5 Let us learn how it works. Step 2. Click on Sign In to Provide Help(PH). Your Login Id Your Password After filling details click Login to get into your dashboard

6 Have A Look at your Dashboard. Click Here To Provide HelpClick Here To Get Help

7 Step 1. Process to Provide Help (PH). As soon as you click on Give Help Option You will be redirected here. Step 1. Transfer bit coin of the amount you want to PH in the bit coin address given here Step 2. As soon as you transfer bit coin fill transation details here. Transaction Number here Transaction Amount in USD Transaction Date

8 Step 2. Process to Provide Help (PH). As soon as you Submit Transaction details you will be redirected here. If you are not redirected click here Select your plan to build wealth according to your will i.e choose daily build help or term deposit and fill amount below and submit.

9 You can check your wealth building daily Check your Wealth Building daily here Provide Help Amount for Build Help Your Build Wealth

10 Step 1. Process to Get Help Click Here To Get Help

11 Step 2. Process to Get Help Fill amount to get help Put your transaction password here Click Submit and you will get your Get Help request with in an hour.

12 P-Cash Transfer You can transfer p-cash to other in your DL which can be used To Provide Help(PH) Click here to transfer p-cash Member Id to receive fund in DL Fill amount to be transfered Your secondary/trans password

13 P-Cash Transfer You can transfer p-cash to other in your DL which can be used To Provide Help(PH) Click here to transfer p-cash Member Id to receive fund in DL Fill amount to be transfered Your secondary/trans password

14 Investment History You can check your investment history how much did you PH on what amount of fund.

15 e-Cash History You can have details of your commission and withdrawal i.e. your total e-cash history.

16 p-Cash History You can have details of your purchase fund transaction.

17 Withdrawal History You can have details of your Get Help.

18 Un-Paid Commission History Here we show you commission of your unpaid fund which is not being transferred to your e-cash transaction.

19 Un-Paid Commission History Here we show you commission earned from your DL which is not being transferred to your e-cash transaction as soon as you PH and become an active member all you unpaid commission moves to you e-cash fund.

20 For Any Query fell free to contact live chat 24x7

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