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ASCA Seminar for Recently Appointed Administrators Directors’ Issues and Expectations June 23 – 26, 2016 Reno, Nevada.

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Presentation on theme: "ASCA Seminar for Recently Appointed Administrators Directors’ Issues and Expectations June 23 – 26, 2016 Reno, Nevada."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASCA Seminar for Recently Appointed Administrators Directors’ Issues and Expectations June 23 – 26, 2016 Reno, Nevada

2 What do you hope to accomplish in your agency during your first two years as its leader? Dean Williams (AK) Dramatically increase safety in the institutions Improve public trust Implement internal affairs unit Revise out dated policies John Baldwin (IL) Redefine the entire department of corrections Joe Norwood (KS) Continue the work underway to increase evidenced-based programing to reduce recidivism rates Rodney Ballard (KY) Improve salaries Improve infrastructure

3 What do you hope to accomplish in your agency during your first two years as its leader? (continued) Kelly Harrington (LA County) To continue several reform efforts including: Continuity and level of care for the medical and mental health inmates Out of cell time for inmates in restricted housing along with meaningful programming opportunities Diversion for mentally ill and substance abuse offenders rather than housing them in the jail Stephen Moyer (MD) Reduce Contraband Arrest corrupt correctional officers Implement a new hiring and selection system

4 What do you hope to accomplish in your agency during your first two years as its leader? (continued) Jim Dzurenda (NV) Change the culture. Change beliefs that DOC has a responsibility for rehabilitation and not just custody security and control in order to positively affect public safety Change in use of force policy Segregation reform Joe Allbaugh (OK) Consolidation: Both inmate population and our CO training Rewrite criminal justice code

5 What has been the source of your greatest frustration (internal to the agency) during the beginning of your tenure as director? Dean Williams (AK) Correction officers union made a serious attack on my confirmation John Baldwin (IL) Too many rules and regulations Joe Norwood (KS) This is my second week on the job Rodney Ballard (KY) Lack of funding

6 What has been the source of your greatest frustration (internal to the agency) during the beginning of your tenure as director? Kelly Harrington (LA County) Public perception issues by the past Sheriff and Undersheriff being found guilty of federal offenses The existence of several court monitors and continuing lawsuits due to use of force and conditions of confinement Stephen Moyer (MD) Hiring my team to be in place to support my vision for the Department; both internal and external candidates Jim Dzurenda (NV) Lack of prior education of the Nevada Legislature Joe Allbaugh (OK) Lack of leadership

7 What is the most pressing public or political issue (external to the agency) you are addressing? Dean Williams (AK) The State is facing a significant budget crisis and I am looking at possible facility closures John Baldwin (IL) Mental health and medical care Downsizing the prison population Joe Norwood (KS) Budget issues statewide and juvenile justice Rodney Ballard (KY) Reopening private prisons

8 What is the most pressing public or political issue (external to the agency) you are addressing? Kelly Harrington (LA County) Staff vacancies are extremely large The hope of funding and building a new correctional treatment center The housing of transgender inmates Stephen Moyer (MD) Corruption Jim Dzurenda (NV) Removal of shotguns inside inmate housing units to control inmates Joe Allbaugh (OK) Executions Facility consolidation with legislative members

9 How do you expect to benefit from this Seminar? Dean Williams (AK) I need relationships with other administrators I need to see what other states are confronting John Baldwin (IL) Garnering new ideas Joe Norwood (KS) Interaction with other Cabinet level appointees of Corrections by discussing common issues Rodney Ballard (KY) Networking

10 How do you expect to benefit from this Seminar? (Continued) Kelly Harrington (LA County) I'm hoping to network with others and share ideas as well as have a united front of Correctional Professionals to deal with many of these issue Stephen Moyer (MD) Recognizing issues faced by my colleagues and to expand my network for problem solving Jim Dzurenda (NV) Network and hear new ideas about creative programs, procedures, and new technology that other departments have tried Joe Allbaugh (OK) By listening to the life experiences of others who have survived similar changes

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