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Established courses Curricula that can be easily customized Addresses diverse learning styles and literacy levels.

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Presentation on theme: "Established courses Curricula that can be easily customized Addresses diverse learning styles and literacy levels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Established courses Curricula that can be easily customized Addresses diverse learning styles and literacy levels

2 Connecting the Dots WorkKeys – Career Readiness Certificates (CRC) Aztec Learning SoftwareThe Employment Edge

3 American College Testing (ACT) Helps customers make better decisions about : Colleges to attend Programs to study Provides information to colleges for the process of: Admitting students Ensuring their success after enrollment

4 Workkeys Assessment Preparation Based on the ACT’s WorkKeys employment assessment Places the customer in curriculum that is based upon his/her skill levels

5 Why are CRCs Important to Employers? Some businesses are requiring CRC certification in order to even be considered for an interview CRCs may prove more valuable than GED Skills-Based Economy

6 How It Works: The National Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) Based on WorkKeys Assessments

7 Preparation for the Career Readiness Certificate (CRC): The CRC is based on the Workkeys system. WorkKeys measures workplace literacy. With a database of more than 17,000 job profiles, WorkKeys identifies skills needed on the job, assesses an individual’s skill level, and helps identify training needed to close any gaps

8 Verify Essential Core Employability Skills in Three Areas: Applied Mathematics Locating Information Reading for Information

9 Your Scores will determine what level of Certificate you are eligible to earn: Gold Level 5 across all three areas Silver Level 4 across all three areas Bronze Level 3 across all three areas

10 Performance Criterion – Locating Information: Find one or two pieces of information on a graphic Fill in one or two pieces of information that are missing from a graphic Find several pieces of information on one or two graphics Understand how graphics are related to each other Sort through distracting information Summarize information from one or more detailed graphics

11 Career Readiness (CRC) Levels

12 Average Scores Needed by Job Title: Reading for Information Locating Information Applied Math 5 4 5 Registered Nurses

13 Aztec Learning System Academic content presented in real workplace context A proven record for preparing people for gainful employment Knowledge and skills employers require for today’s workplace

14 Why Is Aztec Needed? Low Education Levels Low Literacy Levels Poor Workforce Readiness The need for an Effective Intervention

15 How Does Aztec Help Eliminate Deficiencies? WWRC staff provided more Instructional Support at the Beginning

16 Pre and Post Tests Pretest – Identifies which areas within the learning system a student needs to work on Remediation – through the Aztec Learning System Post-Test – Assesses student progress after the student has taken a pretest or completed the learning section



19 Test Accommodations -Large Print Materials/Braille Test Booklets -Reader -Extended Time -Calculator (4- Function) -Large Print Materials/Braille Test Booklets -Extended time -Large Print Materials/Braille Test Booklets -Reader -Extended Time

20 Results for 884 participants from Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center (WWRC) 86% achieved a Career Readiness Certificate Gold/Silver/Bronze Levels None = 14% Gold = 14% Silver = 40% Bronze = 32% Dr. Sharon Mullen, Principal Employment & Occupational Skills Training 540-332-7313 As of January 2015 Passed = 760 Bronze = 279 Silver = 353 Gold = 128 None = 124


22 Ready for Work Series (RFW) Targets work habits and behaviors for getting and keeping a job Customer Service Getting along with your Supervisor Time Management

23 From the Lab Coordinator: “I feel that the biggest success stories are the clients who come into the lab believing they are not capable of passing the WorkKeys exam. After working with Aztec for three or four weeks, they become so invested in reaching at least the bronze level certification, they won’t allow themselves to quit even when the materials get harder.”

24 Customer Example 1 Certificate of completion in Accounting Student Internship Program Employer interested in hiring him In the three modules – Bronze-Silver-Silver Employer needed skills at the Silver level Retested in the module where he had scored the bronze Completed it successfully – Now has a Silver level certification Now has a JOB!

25 Customer Example 2 Certificate of completion Customer Service Had very low TABE scores - Math level was 1.6 First attempt was not successful Worked with Aztec over the next four months while in training – in class, at night, on weekends On the second attempt – failed to meet the bronze level in the Applied Math module only On the third attempt – was successful in reaching the bronze level

26 Customer Example 3 Life Skills Transition Program Quiet, withdrawn, unmotivated Became the “assistant” in the classroom First student to take the WorkKeys exam and pass all three sections with a Platinum Level score Now in our Computer Repair Program – doing very well

27 Customer Example 4 Enrolled at WWRC 9/11/2009 for assessment in business 50 years old, history of drug abuse, brain injury in 1983 Long history of unsatisfactory employment situations Previously unsatisfactory progress in External Training Program After using Aztec Learning Essentials (LES) and Ready for Work (RFW), and getting some tutoring in basic study skills, time management, and organization, he passed the CRC certification 1/18/2010 at the Silver Level, achieving Platinum in Math Now he is doing A & B work in Administrative Assistant Program with a much more positive employment outlook

28 Southside Adult Education Between Pre and Post Testing Teacher Success: Lynda Jones of Southside Adult Education Worked with a very Diverse Group of Adult Learners, some with learning disabilities, some with language barriers. Key to success is ensuring student engages with both the Learning and Practice Sections and follows up with Post Test. Teacher can monitor student progress by reviewing student data (reports) for areas of strengths and weaknesses. Post Test gains and printed Certificates are key to encouraging students to use Aztec on their own time. Class Pre-Test Average Post Test Average Average Time Addition and Subtraction 82.29% 94.29% 00:52:35 Basic Grammar 66.67% 78.13% 04:10:07

29 Positive Intrinsic Outcomes The CRC provides an additional portable accreditation for customers, boosting esteem and marketability Aztec provides soft skills training essential to the Workplace Customer has the opportunity to work and own pace and excel ! The CRC provides an additional portable accreditation for customers, boosting esteem and marketability Aztec provides soft skills training essential to the Workplace Customer has the opportunity to work and own pace and excel !

30 Customer Marketing Customer’s understand why the Career Readiness Certificate is important and how it enhances their chances for success Customer’s understand how to explain the Career Readiness Certificate to an employer – Mock Job Interviews and etc. Customer’s understand how to “sell” the Career Readiness Certificate during the interview process

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