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Local Government Business Model Usage in Information Management Herefordshire Shared Services Partnership Case Study Rob Guthrie Information Architect.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Government Business Model Usage in Information Management Herefordshire Shared Services Partnership Case Study Rob Guthrie Information Architect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Government Business Model Usage in Information Management Herefordshire Shared Services Partnership Case Study Rob Guthrie Information Architect Department Of Communities and Local Government ESD Information Management Working Group Dec 11 © 2011 Chimera Datalabs Ltd This work contains references to materials owned by Herefordshire Council on behalf of Herefordshire Public Services, which are included or reproduced with the permission of the owner. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

2 Herefordshire Council NHS Herefordshire Wye Valley Trust Hoople (Shared Services) New Organisation…


4 Same Old Issues! Standardisation Poorly described information, using wildly differing proprietary approaches Heavy duplication of information Unconnected information silos scattered across organisations Organisational silos – little compatibility with external world or each other Ownership No overall picture of what each organisation provides or is responsible for No clear departmental ownership of information Heavy dependency on changeable organisational structures No clear line between commissioners and providers

5 Delivery Difficult to target information to the right audience High maintenance, manual, static delivery Uncoordinated or mismatched information across different channels lots of expensive point-to-point integrations to map between systems No consistency of data for business analysis and improvement Internal data does not generate useful public open data Management Lifecycle management patchy and inconsistent across organisation Information easily becomes outdated, inaccurate, or lost No standardisation to controlled access and permissions Same Old Issues! cont’d

6 Issues No overall picture of what each organisation provides or is responsible for No clear departmental ownership of information resources Heavy dependency on changeable organisational structures No clear line between commissioners and providers Solution describe organisational provision by functional service delivery assign responsibility for individual functional services to departments Classify all information by functional service, creating transferrable “information packages” owned by a department Define commissioners & providers for each functional service Solutions… Ownership

7 LGBM Usage LGSL schema creates a “blueprint” of Herefordshire Council functional services, which can be assigned to the current organisational structure

8 LGBM Usage Changing the organisational structure just requires reassignment of the organisational LGSL pool

9 LGBM Usage Changing the scope of the organisation just requires addition or removal of LGSLs from the organisational LGSL pool

10 RESULTS "blueprint" of organisational service provision clear & transferrable ownership of all information remove dependency on organisational structure NEXT STEPS? Application of existing LGSL has indicated possible areas for refinement Expanded approach required to cater for NHS and other organisations

11 Solution Identify consistent information entities Identify common components & relationships Classify and describe using standardised schema Establish core repositories & “single sources of truth” for information - CMS, EDRMS, CRM, Active Directory Issues Poorly described information, using wildly differing proprietary approaches Heavy duplication of information Unconnected information silos scattered across the organisations Organisational silos – little compatibility with external world or each other Solutions… Standardisation

12 LGBM Usage LGSL forms core of classifying all information resources – no resource is described without a primary LGSL ID. Additional LGBM schema used to further classify resources and structure repositories – LGIL, LGPL, DocType, Channel, Function List (in place of LGCS) Information resources are classified with a primary LGSL ID (left) This creates “information packages” owned by the department responsible for that LGSL ID (right)

13 RESULTS All information clearly & consistently defined & classified “single source of truth” - reduced duplication & managed repositories standardised for cross-organisation & external compatibility NEXT STEPS? Doctype, LGIL & LGPL schema have gaps & currently require additional proprietary support Is Function List a suitable replacement for LGCS? Expanded and improved mappings between schema

14 Issues Lifecycle management patchy and inconsistent across organisation Information easily becomes outdated, inaccurate, or lost No standardisation to controlled access and permissions Solution Develop an end-to-end organisational information lifecycle Describe for all information using standardised schema Establish & enforce organisational information access, management & governance based on LGSL ownership & standardised roles Solutions… Management

15 information resource With an LGSL owner LGBM Usage Standardised roles & LGSL ownership applicable to organisational Information Management & Governance LGSL owner responsible for lifecycle management of all information resources they own, through role-based access. creation classification storage & distribution retention & review preservation & archiving disposition

16 RESULTS consistent end-to-end lifecycle management of all information resources clearer auditing controlled access and permissions, not reliant on organisational structure. NEXT STEPS? LGBM roles schema Tie together organisational and ESD governance/change management

17 Solution Standardised metadata provides “middleware” map for transformation between systems LGBM classification of all information resources allow dynamic aggregation/delivery for intranet and internet Roles and LGSL ownership allow for user-tailored intranet and correctly targeted CRM service requests Issues Lots of expensive point-to-point integrations to map between systems High maintenance, static intranet and internet delivery Difficult to target information to the right audience Solutions… Delivery

18 Solution “single point of truth” ensures consistent information across all channels. Both CRM and Business Process Improvement defined using LGSLs as core – service request data is consistent/relevant for BPI analysis and external comparison. Standardisation of internal information makes provision of meaningful open data easier. Issues Uncoordinated or mismatched information across different channels No consistency of data for business analysis and improvement Internal data does not generate useful public open data Solutions… Delivery cont’d

19 LGBM Usage LGBM schema are core to all aspects of delivery Potential additional usage of IPSV, LGNL, audienceType to aid delivery of information Image reproduced with the permission of Herefordshire Council on behalf of Herefordshire Public Services Example of aggregated information on the Herefordshire Council beta website – multiple content items are pulled together on an aggregated page using LGSL IDs.

20 RESULTS Single “middleware” transformation approach for integrations dynamic presentation through classification and relationships targeted service request delivery & tailored intranets Coordinated information across all channels Standardised data for reporting and analysis easier delivery of open data NEXT STEPS? LGSL/LGPL for business process improvement Hierarchies for intranet/internet – LGNL doesn’t cover internal services Use generated service data to identify LGSL usage & demand Mappings to schema such as LGNL, audience, IPSV More examples of delivery!

21 NEXT STEPS? SUGGESTED HIGHLIGHTS 1.LGSL development & expanded schema for NHS and other public sector 2.Complete mappings between all key schema 3.Doctype, LGIL, LGPL & roles schema development 4.LGCS replacement (Function List?) 5.Linking organisational & ESD governance/change management 6.Application of LGSL/LGPL for business process improvement 7.Hierarchies for intranet/internet – LGNL does not cover internal services LGSL usage and demand from service delivery data 9.More examples of delivery! In Conclusion

22 Contact Details Anthony Sawyer Information & Records Management Team Leader Herefordshire Council & NHS Herefordshire Rob Guthrie Consultant Information Architect © 2011 Chimera Datalabs Ltd This work contains references to materials owned by Herefordshire Council on behalf of Herefordshire Public Services, which are included or reproduced with the permission of the owner. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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