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Simon Whittemore and Ruth Drysdale From Prospect to Alumnus Challenge and the HEAR.

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Presentation on theme: "Simon Whittemore and Ruth Drysdale From Prospect to Alumnus Challenge and the HEAR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simon Whittemore and Ruth Drysdale From Prospect to Alumnus Challenge and the HEAR

2 2 Introduction to the Jisc Prospect to Alumnus Challenge The HEAR in the Prospect to Alumnus Challenge Activity: Your vision for the future of the HEAR Feedback and Next Steps Jisc Co-design Challenges 2014-16 From Prospect to Alumnus AGENDA

3 3 One of five Jisc Co-design Challenges, the others being: Research at Risk Learning Analytics Digital Capability FELTAG (Further Education focussed) Jisc Co-design Challenges 2014-16 From Prospect to Alumnus Introduction to the Prospect to Alumnus Challenge

4 Overall plan and component projects Prospect to Alumnus Co-design Challenge Update – 23 April 2015 4

5 Rationale (1) Student record data is business critical for organisations. Processes and behaviours often driven by the systems used rather than business rqts or student experience. Higher and further education organisations require much less complexity than they are currently having to manage in this area. A high quality student experience is vital for the UK to thrive in the global knowledge economy. Prospect to Alumnus Co-design Challenge Update – 23 April 2015 5

6 Rationale (2) Prospect to Alumnus (P2A) has a strong focus on employability. Education to employment disconnect (eg McKinsey)* Employers, students & national agencies need access to verified and consistent information on students…. …..their achievements, work experience and employability UK HEIs and FECs need to show that the experience of their paying graduates equips them to flourish in the world of work. P2A: benefiting institutions by providing dynamic online matching and data services for students and employers. * Prospect to Alumnus Co-design Challenge Update – 23 April 2015 6

7 Projects 1. Mapping and optimising the student journey experience: Supporting project; use cases and student profiles through lifecycle analysis to identify problem areas 2. Data model and system integration solutions Minimum data sets and solutions in key problem areas; standards, suppliers engagement 3a. Employability skills-match and data services Employer-driven skills discovery service empowering students; developing into an employability data service 3b. Learner cradle to learning grave data service Lifelong online student data service supporting mobility. Prospect to Alumnus Co-design Challenge Update – 23 April 2015 7

8 Benefits Institutions: Efficiencies; enhanced articulation of offer/competitive advantage for institutions Students: Enhanced opportunities, satisfaction and employability Stakeholders and national agencies: Better informed with consistent student information Organisational, regional and national efficiencies Value for money in the student experience. Prospect to Alumnus Co-design Challenge Update – 23 April 2015 8

9 Timeline 2015 - 16 Prospect to Alumnus Co-design Challenge Update – 23 April 2015 9

10 10 Jisc, working with CRA and HEA, is committed to supporting and developing the HEAR to ensure it reaches its full potential for students, employers, institutions and the sector Professor Peter Chatterton is carrying out 10 University case studies to examine how they have implemented the HEAR as a formative employability tool (please email to find out more) Jisc Co-design Challenges 2014-16 From Prospect to Alumnus The HEAR in the Prospect to Alumnus Challenge

11 11 The HEAR was designed to benefit: Students (and adhere to the Diploma Supplement) Institutions Employers, by providing a consistent solution across sector Jisc Co-design Challenges 2014-16 From Prospect to Alumnus The HEAR in the Prospect to Alumnus Challenge:

12 12 Get into groups Select a scribe and someone to report back Discuss your vision for HEAR : How the HEAR could be further developed to better engage & benefit students sector-wide e.g. dynamic real time online access How could employers benefit in a more direct way from the HEAR? Eg data feeds and analytics on students/graduates? How could the HEAR be best utilised/developed for employability? Eg capturing employability related capabilities throughout study OR some other questions pointers on the sheets….. Jisc Co-design Challenges 2014-16 From Prospect to Alumnus Activity: Your vision for the HEAR and HEAR data

13 13 Jisc Co-design Challenges 2014-16 From Prospect to Alumnus Feedback and Next Steps

14 Contacts Blog Jiscmail PROSPECT2ALUMNUS PROSPECT2ALUMNUS Simon Whittemore Ruth Drysdale Effective Learning Analytics Network Meeting 20/02/15 14

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