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Chapter 8, section 2 Greek Society and Economy. Women in a Greek Polis Raised children Managed money Supervised slaves Spun wool into yarn, wove yarn.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8, section 2 Greek Society and Economy. Women in a Greek Polis Raised children Managed money Supervised slaves Spun wool into yarn, wove yarn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8, section 2 Greek Society and Economy

2 Women in a Greek Polis Raised children Managed money Supervised slaves Spun wool into yarn, wove yarn into cloth Sewed and knitted cloth Prepared meals Were NOT citizens (could not vote or own property)

3 What do you notice about women activities? “The Gods have ordered and the law approves that it is not so good for a woman to be out of doors as in”. – Greek philosopher Xenophon

4 Social Pyramid of a Greek Polis Aristocrats: rich landowners who raised crops and livestock Citizens: Small landowners who raised crops but NOT livestock. No surplus. Citizens: Tenant Farmers who paid rent to grow crops on another person’s land Resident Aliens: Merchants and Artisans had fewer rights. Slaves: POW, sold by family, or abandoned

5 Classwork 1.What did the aristocrats do all day? P. 253, “The Aristocracy” 2.What kind of work did slaves do? P. 254, second-to-last paragraph 3.How did a person become a slave? P. 254, middle of page 4.Could slaves be freed? P. 254, last paragraph

6 Problem: Land Hunger and over population Solution 1: Conquest – Sparta conquers Messenia and enslaves the entire polis. Spartan men become full-time professional soldiers – By 500 B.C. Sparta control the ENTIRE Peloponnesian Peninsula


8 Problem: Land Hunger and over population Solution 2: Colonization. Greek colonists sail off to find new places to settle. What three things were they looking for? – Seashore – Good farmland – Near natural resources (timber, minerals) Greek colonists settled the shore of the Black Sea. They settled the seashore from Russia to Spain.

9 Locate: Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Egypt, Libya

10 Athens Exports: – Pottery – Jewelry – Olive oil – Wine Imports – Grain – Timber – Minerals (iron, salt) – Luxury goods (ivory, glass, perfume)

11 Minting Coins Lydian Kings minted the world’s first gold and silver coins. Greeks borrowed the idea from them. Coins were stamped with symbols of the city or Gods of the city (e.g. Athens was stamped with owl). How did coins make trade easier? P. 256

12 Classwork Answer Map Skills questions, p. 256

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