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Hello I am Dr. Malik, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Board Member, Saheli Chair, Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello I am Dr. Malik, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Board Member, Saheli Chair, Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello I am Dr. Malik, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist. Board Member, Saheli Chair, Emotional Well-Being and Mental Health Initiative

2 SAHELI A success story. An IPV prevention agency that now serves women as well as their families. Started in 1996. Early years, we helped about 8 women and had 10 volunteers. Between 2005 and 2009, Saheli helped 55 women with 85 volunteers. In 2013 alone, Saheli has helped 92 women, 74 of which are domestic abuse cases. Our volunteer numbers grow steadily. We now have a list-serve of almost 500 supporters and about 100 active volunteers. Additionally, Saheli’s work is supported by many leaders of the Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities in Boston.


4 WHY NOW? 1 ) Persistent awareness that IPV is not separate from mental health issues. 2) The victims, predominantly women, do not leave the perpetrator, who is often their spouse or intimate partner. The emotional well-being of the victim is of grave concern to Saheli 3) The family, especially the children, are also affected. Saheli wishes to serve the entire family. 4) Saheli now wishes to expand to serve the entire community, in addition to IPV clients.

5 STEPS TAKEN 1) Received Funding from Harvard Pilgrim to launch this Initiative. 2) A Chair who was a Senior Mental Health Professional was recruited from the Community, and made a Board member. 3) An EWB and MH committee was formed.

6 PLANNING THE INITIATIVE 1) Involve the community. Community Allies Gathering 2) Bring all MH professionals to the table. MH Providers Gathering 3) Begin to generate a collaborative Vision 4) Hold a day long Symposium: launching the initiative sensitively, with topics that are relevant to teenagers, parents, men and women. 5) Date is September 14. Topics are: Precarious Manhood: it’s not easy to be a tough guy Motherhood: Respecting the invisible work of mothers Raising Resilient Teenagers: The requirements of the majority culture upon our children when they enter teenage. IPV: The impact of IPV on the children in the family 6. Flyers available after this panel

7 CHALLENGES 1) Can an IPV agency with a strong identity embrace a new initiative? What will that mean for the culture of the Board? How will Saheli integrate this new Initiative? 2) Building a collaborative vision: should we limit ourselves to raising awareness? Should the Initiative be limited to holding information dissemination sessions? 3) If we succeed in raising awareness, how will we provide for the next logical step; enough providers who can provide services. There is a dearth of culturally competent providers. Continued…

8 4) Should we include evaluation and referral services? Negotiating the MH system is a nightmare for our community, as this subject is taboo. People do not know how to evaluate a provider…for example, what questions to ask to ensure a “good fit.” Unlike medical services, MH services depend hugely on a “good fit” between the provider and the client. During evaluation, how to present their own value system and require that services be culturally competent, etc. 5) Often, people do not know what to search for: example…a teenager who is aggressive. What is the next step? 6) Should we include service delivery? Should we have volunteers who will deliver services free of charge, like the existing IPV model? 7) There is much to learn.

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