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NUR 866: Female Reproductive Problems and Women’s Health Agents Pharmacology : Study Questions Wanda Lovitz, ARNP.

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Presentation on theme: "NUR 866: Female Reproductive Problems and Women’s Health Agents Pharmacology : Study Questions Wanda Lovitz, ARNP."— Presentation transcript:

1 NUR 866: Female Reproductive Problems and Women’s Health Agents Pharmacology : Study Questions Wanda Lovitz, ARNP

2 Specific Drugs to know estrogen/Premarin estrogen/Premarin Prempro/Premphase Prempro/Premphase progesterone / Provera and DepoProvera progesterone / Provera and DepoProvera tamoxifen/Novadex tamoxifen/Novadex

3 Study Questions Study Questions What is the most curable female reproductive cancer? What are the risk factors for this type of cancer?

4 Questions: PAP Ellie is 38 years old, never married, and has always had painful, and irregular menstrual cycles. Her last PAP smear showed ASCUS (atypical cells of undetermined significance) What advice should Ellie be given r/t the ASCUS findings on her PAP? What further testing should be done?

5 Compare the risk factors, diagnostic test, treatment, and prognosis for endometrial and ovarian cancer. Endometrial Cancer – Risk factors – Dx tests – Treatment – Prognosis Ovarian Cancer – Risk factors – Dx tests – Treatment – Prognosis

6 Question: Ovarian cancer Grandmother Jones is a thin 70 year old woman with a history of endometrial cancer. She is doing well with treatment but expresses concern because her mother ides at the age of 56 from ovarian cancer. Grandmother Jones had a right mastectomy for cancer at the age of 50. She also has a history of diabetes. Is there any dx test available that could be done to help alleviate Grandmother Jones’s concern that she may have ovarian cancer? Explain your answer.

7 What sx would you expect a client with ovarian cancer to have? Ovarian cancer sx

8 What are the clinical manifestations of breast cancer? Breast cancer clinical manifestations:

9 Megan is a married 28 year old. She has been attempting unsuccessfully to have children for the last 2 year. She has endometriosis and had an episode of PID about 1 year ago. Describe the sx Megan would likely have with endometriosis? How would her endometriosis have been diagnosed? What tests? Megan is a married 28 year old. She has been attempting unsuccessfully to have children for the last 2 year. She has endometriosis and had an episode of PID about 1 year ago. Describe the sx Megan would likely have with endometriosis? How would her endometriosis have been diagnosed? What tests? Questions: endometriosis

10 Questions: PID Describe the sx Megan would have presented with when she had PID How would her PID have been diagnosed? What tests? Could the PID be contributing to Megan’s problem with getting pregnant. Explain.

11 Questions: menstrual irregularities Ellie has heavy, painful, irregular periods. What is the medical term for the following: – Heavy – Painful – Irregular (bleeding between periods) – What is the most cause of dysmenorrhea?

12 Questions: cervical cancer Why is cervical cancer often considered a sexually transmitted disease? You took care of Megan when she was hospitalized last year with PID. What is the cause of PID?

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