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Opening Assignment What happens when people (the US and USSR) stop being polite and start getting real after WWII? Could this same situation happen again.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Assignment What happens when people (the US and USSR) stop being polite and start getting real after WWII? Could this same situation happen again."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Assignment What happens when people (the US and USSR) stop being polite and start getting real after WWII? Could this same situation happen again between two nations?

2 Essential Learning Goal: The Cold War between the Soviet Union and United States helped shape the culture, history, and politics of the United States during the 20 th Century. Learning Targets: I can identify the participants of the Cold War, their allies, and their treaty organizations. I can explain the goal of the United Nations and which Cold War nations were members. I can explain the significance of the US policy of “containment”, the Truman Doctrine, and the phrase “Iron Curtain”. I can recognize the significance of the Marshall Plan and the Berlin Airlift.

3 I. Post-WWII outcomes? 1) United Nations- formed near the end of WWII as a body of nations to prevent future global wars. What organization had been formed at the end of WWI to prevent global war? Was this organization successful?

4 I. Post-WWII outcomes? The United Nations- Ironically, even though the United Nations was intended to promote peace, it soon became an arena in which the two superpowers competed. Both the United States and Soviet Union used the U.N. as a forum to spread their influence over others. Nikita Khrushchev Soviet Premier- 1960 Signing of the U.N. Charter 1945

5 3) Europe: -Lay in ruins and needs rebuilding -Soviet controlled East Europe -Germany divided into East (Communist) and West (Democratic) Divided Berlin I. Post-WWII outcomes?

6 4) Origins of Cold War Is this what we mean by the Cold War??? I. Post-WWII outcomes?

7 Cold War- 45 year competition about ideologies. Democracy & Capitalism versus Communism. (end of WWII-collapse of Soviet Union in 1991 — 8 presidents) OR COLD WAR U.S. and West Soviet Union and East -Democracy -Individual Freedom -Market economy -Totalitarianism -Socialism: state centered -Communist II. Cold War: Defined

8 1949 Soviet Union successfully explodes an atomic bomb 1952 1 st Hydrogen Bomb tested *Much more powerful than the Atomic Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki *Precision Missile Launch THE STAKES ARE HIGH (BOTH U.S. and Soviet Union held the capability to destroy each other) II. Cold War: Defined

9 NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization Defensive alliance between U.S. and Western Europe (1 st time U.S. entered into peacetime military alliance) II. Cold War: Defined

10 Warsaw Pact, 1950- Defensive alliance between Soviet Union and Eastern European Countries. II. Cold War: Defined

11 CONTAINMENT- do not let Communism spread, resist it! Truman Doctrine- help “ free peoples ” resist Communism III. Cold War: Harry Truman --- Foreign Policy Harry Truman (1945-1953) How do you think these two policies will shape the US’s decisions to enter future wars? What nations might the U.S. help to prevent the spread of Communism? Think about what you already know about U.S. history.

12 Marshall Plan- massive financial aid to rebuild Europe. George Marshall III. Cold War: Harry Truman --- Foreign Policy

13 Berlin Airlift (1948-49)- Soviets block access to west Berlin. Truman orders supplies airlifted. *2.3 million tons of supplies

14 Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain” Speech From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an "Iron Curtain" has descended across the continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia; all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow. The Iron Curtain as described by Churchill at Westminster College Fulton, Missouri.

15 HOMEWORK Chapter 18 Section 2 Read Pages 609 – 615 Main Idea Questions A – D Skillbuilders: Page 613 #1 – 2 Terms & Names defined into your notebook

16 Daily Review 1.Identify the participants of the Cold War, their allies, and their treaty organizations. 2.Explain the goal of the United Nations and which Cold War nations were members. 3.Explain the significance of the US policy of “containment”, the Truman Doctrine, and the phrase “Iron Curtain”. 4.What is the significance of the Marshall Plan and the Berlin Airlift.

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