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Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Walter Bender Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Walter Bender Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Walter Bender Learning

2 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Talk outline –Goals and means –Theory: Learning learning –Practice: The Sugar learning platform –Sugar Labs

3 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Goal To give every child the opportunity for learning to learn

4 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Means A free software platform that facilitates exploring, expressing, reflection, and critique.

5 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Pedagogical foundations John Dewey Jean Piaget Paulo Freire Maria Montessori Seymour Papert Lev Vygotsky Donald Schön Alan Kay

6 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Senegal 1983

7 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Thailand 2008

8 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen “Helping children do real science... is the best way to help them move from dogma to skeptical, empirically derived models.” —Alan Kay

9 The creative society? or e-Aprendizaje 2 Agosto 05Walter Bender ¿?

10 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen teacher: "What are you doing?" student: "I'm thinking". teacher: "Fine, but get back to work". —Michael Barber, The Learning Game

11 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen “ah ha” moments Think of the great learning moments in your life.

12 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen The culture of free software...

13 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen is the culture sharing...

14 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen and the culture of critique.

15 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Conventional wisdom The teacher tells; the student listens; knowledge is an object; and to possess it is to be educated.

16 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Unconventional wisdom Everyone is a teacher and a learner; knowing is action; to be educated is to have appropriated knowledge.

17 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen the pedagogy of inquiry To ask a question is a creative act. student: How do I join the community? teacher: Ask a question. teacher: Welcome to the community!

18 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen 1. Learning is not a service: Information is a noun; learning is a verb.

19 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen 2. We learn through doing, so if we want more learning, we want more doing.

20 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen 3. Love is a better master than duty.

21 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Studio thinking 1. imagine and realize 2. critique and reflect 3. iterate

22 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Show me the code!!

23 It is appropriate to appropriate

24 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen


26 Sugar is available under a (GPL) General Public License

27 Explore, express, and debug write reflect draw create multimedia program surf the web read chat play multimedia play games

28 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen simplicity God's law Buxton's law time complexity the world people simplify

29 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen simplicity God's law Buxton's law time complexity the world people learn

30 discovery





35 collaboration

36 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen



39 reflection


41 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen

42 Turtle Art with sensors

43 modifying Sugar

44 class MyLayout(RingLayout): def _calculate_position(self, radius, icon_size, index, children_count): width, height = # angle decreases as the radius increases inc = 12.0 + index / 6.0 angle = index * (2 * math.pi / inc) - math.pi / 2 # radius is proportional to index/children_count mymin = _MINIMUM_RADIUS *.667 nrad = ((radius - mymin) * (index * 1.1) / children_count) + mymin x = nrad * math.cos(angle) + (width - icon_size) / 2 y = nrad * math.sin(angle) + (height - icon_size – style.GRID_CELL_SIZE) / 2 return x, y

45 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Tabla comparativa de resultados – Prueba de Comprensión lectora Before After 5 mo. Failing Intermediate Advanced

46 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen

47 Misson 1. further the objectives of Sugar; 2. support the Sugar community of users and developers; 3. establish regional "Sugar Labs" around the world.

48 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Try it on the XO-1

49 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen

50 Try it on the Beagle Board!

51 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen


53 Sugar as the first step in an inductive proof 1 #Sugar if n: n+1

54 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen sostenibilidad ≠ sustentabilidad

55 Hassouna h The riskiest path is the status quo.

56 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen grazie danke thank you

57 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Contact Walter Bender Executive Director Sugar Labs Senior Research Scientist MIT Media Lab +1-857-998-1860

58 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Water and ice Water is fluid, representing the breadth and freedom of exploration necessary for creativity and invention. Ice is solid, representing the depth and structure necessary to transform invention into production.

59 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Innovation Cycles Innovation occurs in a “liquid” phase; industrial consolidation of innovation is “solid.” (Fine) ‏ phase shift (innovation )‏ (consolidation )‏ waterice

60 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Media convergence “being digital” 1985: Negroponte predicted that publishing, broadcast, and computing were on a collision course.

61 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen A new convergence “being open” 2008: Open systems—open communications; open knowledge; and open media.

62 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Opportunities (1) open communication: control is shifting to end users; (2) open knowledge: knowledge creation is shifting to end users; (3) open media: non-traditional form-factors and non-traditional business models.

63 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Viral Systems capacit y bandwidth per node n n viral… scalable incremental contributory and cooperative… local knowledge local decisions global structure has advantages! low cost adaptable robust

64 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen The Rule of Many efficiency 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000

65 Free Software: for innovative business | 14.11.2008 | Bolzano-Bozen Phone vs computer culture Water or ice?

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