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From Transition to Transformation: How can we transform children’s public health services and improve the outcomes of children, young people and their.

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Presentation on theme: "From Transition to Transformation: How can we transform children’s public health services and improve the outcomes of children, young people and their."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Transition to Transformation: How can we transform children’s public health services and improve the outcomes of children, young people and their families? Dr Virginia Pearson Director of Public Health, Devon County Council and ADPH Representative on the 0-5 Transfer programme Board

2 Commissioning for better outcomes The importance of early years in influencing outcomes and inequalities throughout life (Marmot, Allen) High-quality needs assessments/JSNAs Understanding the needs of individual families and communities, build community capacity to support children and families and refer and signpost to community resources Joining up 0-5 with 5-19 public health-commissioned services and with other local authority children’s services commissioning Integration of people and place-based services

3 The transfer Public health nursing 0-5 years Family Nurse Partnership Five mandated checks Important link to the Healthy Child Programme Funding – from October 2015, historical with a guaranteed “floor” and ACRA (Advisory Committee on Resource Allocation) is reviewing the resource allocation formula as part of Public Health ring-fenced grant DH recognition of new burden of commissioning

4 Transformation: 4-5-6 A different approach for 0-5s

5 High Impact Areas

6 Transformation in practice Early help/early intervention strategy The journey of the child and safeguarding Emotional wellbeing and mental health: co- commissioning Web-based single assessment processes for Early Help, SEND (0-24) and Targeted/Troubled Families

7 Preparation for transformation What is your local strategy? Understanding the needs of your children, young people and families Quality of local relationships Know how well your local contract works and performance (5 mandated checks) Use the forthcoming LGA local authority self-assessment process Regional Oversight groups Support tools:

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