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09.05.2008 Mapping Data to Queries Martin Hentschel Systems Group, ETH Zurich.

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1 09.05.2008 Mapping Data to Queries Martin Hentschel Systems Group, ETH Zurich

2 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/  “…, but the real advantage of XML is precisely that it allows you to go from Point A to destinations unknown.” -- Larry O’Brien, Microsoft 2

3 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ 3 Goals  Integrate data from various data feeds  Light-weight  Easy to use  Fast

4 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ 4 Goals  Integrate data from various data feeds  Light-weight Mapping rules  Easy to use Based on common language (XQuery)  Fast Implements research ideas (YFilter)

5 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Targets  Health care  Electronic health records (Health Level 7)  Finance  Exchange of financial data (xBRL)  Web services  News feeds  Weather Every domain which uses several data sources 5

6 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Example  Find the most powerful car 6 Ford 130 Ford 130 VW Golf 150 VW Golf 150

7 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Example  Find the most powerful car 7 Ford 130 Ford 130 VW Golf 150 VW Golf 150 datenis-adb; autois-acar; psis-ahp; datenis-adb; autois-acar; psis-ahp;

8 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Example  Find the most powerful car  Apply standard XQuery 8 Ford 130 Ford 130 VW Golf 150 VW Golf 150 datenis-adb; autois-acar; psis-ahp; datenis-adb; autois-acar; psis-ahp; let $max := max(//hp) for $car in //car where $car/hp = $max return $car let $max := max(//hp) for $car in //car where $car/hp = $max return $car

9 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Example  Find the most powerful car  Apply standard XQuery 9 Ford 130 Ford 130 VW Golf 150 VW Golf 150 datenis-adb; autois-acar; psis-ahp; datenis-adb; autois-acar; psis-ahp; let $max := max(//hp) for $car in //car where $car/hp = $max return $car let $max := max(//hp) for $car in //car where $car/hp = $max return $car VW Golf 150 VW Golf 150  Result

10 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Usage Scenarios  Continuous query processing 10 DSMS Querie s Rules Streaming Input Events Streaming Output Events

11 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Usage Scenarios  Publish/subscribe systems 11 Rules PublishersSubscribers Enhanced Broker Enhanced Broker Data Subscriptions Data

12 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Usage Scenarios  Data integration 12 Rules Source 1 Company‘s Data Store Data Source 2 Source x Homogeneous Data Handler Data Handler

13 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ The Is-A Rule  Map XML elements  Expresses a substitutability relationship  Like in object oriented design  Use the car wherever vehicles are expected  It follows //vehicle also returns car elements  Returned as car  Not transformed into vehicle  Consistent with OO-approach 13 car is-a vehicle;

14 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ The Is-A Rule  Map path expressions  XPath path expressions  Left hand side may include predicates 14 german/car is-a auto; auto is-a german/car; german/car is-a auto; auto is-a german/car; car[@ps < 100] is-a slow/vehicle; car[@ps < 100] is-a slow/vehicle;

15 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ The Is-A Rule  Specify contexts  Element names could be used differently in different contexts  Scope applicability of rules  Further refinement 15 car in cars[@country=‘Germany’] is-a auto; car in cars[@country=‘Germany’] is-a auto;

16 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ The Is-A Rule  Element construction  Map elements  Transform data, e.g. for  Integration of very diverse data 16 auto as $a is-a {$a/ps * 0.74} ; auto as $a is-a {$a/ps * 0.74} ; Ford 100 Ford 100 VW Golf 150 VW Golf 150

17 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Implementation  Several possibilities  MDQ approach -Native approach, novel MDQ data model -Allows lazy execution  Query rewrite -E.g. //(car | auto | vehicle |...) -Does not scale  Data translation -Translate input data -Big overhead 17

18 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ MDQ Data Model  Classical XML tree model 18 Golf 150 Golf 150 auto psname „Golf“„150“ daten

19 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ MDQ Data Model  MDQ data model  Move names from nodes to edges 19 Golf 150 Golf 150 auto psname „Golf“„150“ daten

20 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ MDQ Data Model  Application of mapping rules 20 Golf 150 Golf 150 auto ps name „Golf“„150“ daten daten is-a db; auto is-a car; ps is-a hp; daten is-a db; auto is-a car; ps is-a hp; db car hp

21 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Lazy Evaluation, YFilter  Built from left hand side of rules  Non-deterministic finite state machine  Main idea:  Evaluate XQuery program  Iterate through data model  Report to YFilter  Apply rules only when reaching an accepting state 21 R1: daten is-a db; R2: auto is-a car; R2: ps is-a hp; R1: daten is-a db; R2: auto is-a car; R2: ps is-a hp;  * daten auto ps R1 R2 R3

22 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Experiment: Throughput  Complex query (multiple scans, joins)  QR: too many unions, DT: overhead of translation 22

23 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Experiment: Throughput  Simple query  Less unions for QR, DT: still overhead of translation 23

24 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Experiment: Throughput  1 input message, bundle of queries evaluated at once  QR: even more unions, DT: less overhead, only transforms input message once 24

25 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ Again: Advantages  Performance  Novel data model, lazy execution  Light-weight  Mappings rules are small units  Extensibility  Add more rules as new sources are adopted  Flexibility  Complex mappings through element constructors 25

26 09.05.2008 Martin Hentschel/Systems Group, ETH Zurich/ The End  Visit our website, LIVE DEMO!   Write us, please!  26

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