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Slide 1. Reality V12 Slide 3 Reality V12 - Headlines Web Services & XML External File Integration Fast Backup and Recovery Windows Printer Support Reality.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1. Reality V12 Slide 3 Reality V12 - Headlines Web Services & XML External File Integration Fast Backup and Recovery Windows Printer Support Reality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1

2 Reality V12

3 Slide 3 Reality V12 - Headlines Web Services & XML External File Integration Fast Backup and Recovery Windows Printer Support Reality DR DataBasic Profiler System Alerts Database Isolation 2TB files 64-bit Linux support Striping Across Filing Systems Compatibility Enhancements

4 Slide 4 Web Services & XML With Reality see how easy it is to expose DataBasic routines as Web Services ► Offer your services across: ► Machine, Intranet & Internet ► Integrate disparate applications ► Seamless integration for GUI applications ► Can communicate with any language supporting web services ► JAVA ► Microsoft suite (office, VB C# etc) ► etc ► Platform independent Easily create and extract data from XML documents ► Very simple to create queries and build documents

5 Slide 5 Web Services Demo – (contact us for details…)

6 Slide 6 External File Integration Transparently Integrate with external Data stores ► Tables in local or remote relational Databases ► Oracle, SQLserver, MySQL, etc. ► CSV, Tab Separated, etc. 11^2^3 2A^B^C 123 ABC Reality Environment Reality File O/S File 1,2,3 A,B,C ODBC DB

7 Slide 7 CSV Demo – (contact us for details…)

8 Slide 8 Fast Backup and Recovery Backup & Restore your Database at near Media Speed. ► Supports selective restore ► Backup while the system is still in use ► In practice ‘near media speed’ is estimated to be up to 30 times faster than the current logical backup

9 Slide 9 Fast Backup Demo – (contact us for details…)

10 Slide 10 Windows Printer Support Print directly to Windows specific printers ► Support low cost printers ► Allows printing directly to third party pseudo printers ► PDF generators ► And many others

11 Slide 11 DataBasic Profiler Optimise your DataBasic code ► See where your application has been ► How much time is spent in each routine Troubleshoot your application ► Easily access the DataBasic return stack

12 Slide 12 DataBasic Profiler Demo – (contact us for details…)

13 Slide 13 System Alerts Act before your system is put at risk ► Email & SMS interface to report system exceptions ► Appends exceptions to an HTML page ► Configurable notification destinations and levels ► Supports alerts generated from your applications Reality Environment

14 Slide 14 System Alerts Demo – (contact us for details…)

15 Slide 15 Database Isolation Run completely independent Reality Database’s on a single system, separate logs, licence keys.

16 Slide 16 Compatibility Enhancements Numerous compatibility enhancements to further simplify your migration to Reality: ► New Verbs ► ISELECT, ICOUNT DataBasic ► BREAK, EXIT, CONTINUE (in loops), SENTENCE(n), READNEXT KEY, READPREV KEY,EXECUTE (full Syntax) Enhanced Account restore for mvEnterprise and jBASE tapes. Number of Proc file and select buffers increased to 47

17 Slide 17 Reality V12 Other ► 2TB files ► Striping Across Filing Systems ► Large Tape Block Size ► Multi-reel Tape Images ► Multi Clean Log Tape Backup / Restore Additional Platforms ► Solaris 10 ► Linux ES4 ► Linux ES3 (64-bit) ► Aix 5.2

18 Slide 18 Questions? Refer to Reality Website

19 Slide 19

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