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Mr. King Central Cabarrus HS. Which side did the U.S. take? Which side did the U.S. take?  France helps U.S. win Revolutionary War  French Revolution.

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1 Mr. King Central Cabarrus HS

2 Which side did the U.S. take? Which side did the U.S. take?  France helps U.S. win Revolutionary War  French Revolution takes place in 1790s - Louis XIV executed - Jacobins begin Reign of Terror  They began a war with Great Britain - expected the help of the U. S.  Federalist: Opposed the French - British were our biggest trade partners  Dem.-Republicans: Supported the French  President Washington: Neutral France vs. England

3 Why did Thomas Jefferson Why did Thomas Jefferson resign his position? resign his position?  Young French diplomat, Edmond Genet, recruits Americans to fight for France  This violated U.S. position of neutrality - Angers President Washington  Jefferson condemns Genet but still supports France - Federalist call him a radical  TJ resigns as Secretary of State Jefferson Resigns Position

4 Jay’s Treaty 1794 Jay’s Treaty 1794  U.S. wants British out of Northwest Territory  British agree to leave forts but stay for fur trade  Democratic-Rep. & Federalist argue over British  France angry that U.S. makes treaty w/ G.B. Important Treaties

5 Pinckney’s Treaty 1795 (Also known as San Lorenzo) Pinckney’s Treaty 1795 (Also known as San Lorenzo)  Spain owns lands south and west of Georgia, TN  U.S. wants lands, shipping rights on Miss. River, access to New Orleans  U.S. does not acquire Florida until 1819 Important Treaties

6 Who did President Washington send to defeat Little Turtle? Who did President Washington send to defeat Little Turtle?  N. A. attacking settlers in NW Territory - encouraged by the British  Chief Little Turtle dominating the Ohio Valley  Pres. Washington sends in Gen. Anthony Wayne to defeat Miami Confederacy  1792: Battle of Fallen Timbers near Toledo, Ohio  U.S. wins! … Treaty of Greenville gives natives $20,000 in goods and yearly payment of $10,000 Conflicts with Native Americans

7 What does he warn the U.S. of? What does he warn the U.S. of?  Political fighting convinces Washington to not seek a 3 rd term  1796 - Farewell Address: - Avoid permanent alliances - Dangers of 2 party system  Retires to Mount Vernon - Dies Dec. 14, 1799 - Riding horse in rain Washington Retires

8 How does this election in 1796 cause tension? How does this election in 1796 cause tension?  John Adams: Federalist  Thomas Jefferson: Democratic-Republican  Sectionalism: placing one region’s interest over another  Adams wins 71-68 Election of John Adams

9 Why does the U.S. fight an undeclared war against France? Why does the U.S. fight an undeclared war against France?  French Impressment – kidnapping our sailors!  President Adams sends delegates to Paris - wants a treaty w/ France  French agents, XYZ, meet with U.S. delegates - demand payment of $250,000 to meet with Tallyrand  U.S. (Pres. Adams) angry over bribe  U.S. prepares for WAR! Quasi War 1798-1800

10 Why does Congress pass the Alien & Sedition Act in 1798? Why does Congress pass the Alien & Sedition Act in 1798?  Federalist fear that Republicans will side with France  Refugees from France come to U.S.  Congress passes Alien Act - 14 years to be a citizen of U.S. - face deportation  Congress passes Sedition Act - fine or imprisonment for saying wrong things about U.S. govt. Result of XYZ Affair

11 What does the Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions argue? What does the Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions argue?  Jefferson & Madison believe the Sedition Act violates the 1 st Amendment  Argue that states have right to nullify unconstitutional laws Result of Alien & Sedition Act

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