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Art Of The Day Presentation By: Shelby Tkach. Pizza & Love: Fight for the Amazonas. Fight for the last slice. Pizza & Love. We make Pizza not global warming.

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Presentation on theme: "Art Of The Day Presentation By: Shelby Tkach. Pizza & Love: Fight for the Amazonas. Fight for the last slice. Pizza & Love. We make Pizza not global warming."— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Of The Day Presentation By: Shelby Tkach

2 Pizza & Love: Fight for the Amazonas. Fight for the last slice. Pizza & Love. We make Pizza not global warming. 100% organic ingredients.

3 The main goal for this advertisement: The goal for this advertisement is to show that humans are taking away Earth’s natural beauty, which are trees and greenery. The creators are trying to save the Amazon Forest from being destroyed by pollution, being cut down, etc. Photographed by: Carles Nin Carles Nin is a photographer from Barcelona, Spain.

4 The grease left from the pizza represents Earth’s land and how the greenery has been destroyed by humanity.

5 The broccoli on the pizza represents the Amazon Forest in Brazil and the white cheese represents the river separating the Amazon Forest. The broccoli and cheese gives the image more color.

6 This shows where the lighting occurs in the photo. It shines on the important message, the white writing, and main character, the slice of pizza.

7 Since this advertisement is looked down on, it appears the writing is fading into the cardboard box. It seems to be deteriorating which occurs when an object is recycled, which can save Earth and it’s trees.

8 There are many lines created by knifes that cut the pizza, but the horizontal one symbolizes the equator. These lines help distinguish the placement of the pizza located on the “globe.”

9 Human activities creates harmful chemicals to the human body. Luckily Trees take away those chemicals and releases oxygen. These two holes work similarly. The steam coming off the pizza has the possibility of making the pizza damp and soggy, so these holes take the steam and release it into the air.

10 The company’s brand proportion shows that there company is not as significant as the cause they are fighting for. The color red symbolizes the love for Earth because the color red is acquainted with love people have towards others/objects.

11 Analysis Character- The main characters in the “Pizza & Love: Fight for the Amazonas” are the slice of pizza and the pizza box. The pizza has broccoli and cheese on top representing the Amazon Forest and River. The broccoli looks very similar to trees and is placed on the pizza to form the forest. The river is represented by the cheese, because similar to the role of cheese on the pizza, the Amazon River unites the forest and gives it life. Another character is the portion of Earth that is depicted by the grease from the pizza. The grease that forms earth represents land and the pizza box represents the universe. The grease is brown showing that this land does not need to receive as much care as the Amazon Forest. This is because the Amazon Forest is one of the main sources of oxygen for citizens of South America and without it they would struggle to survive. The creator’s of this advertisement believe it is a mistake to cut down trees and hope people will realize this before it is to late. Color- The colors presented are light colors with a few absence of colors. After the pizza was lifted from the box, different shades of brown were left behind. These shades correspond to Earth’s land. The brightest colors that are in the picture are placed on the pizza. In the bottom right hand corner there is positive writing about recycling and saving earth. It is written in red, which symbolizes love for the earth. There is also large writing in white, on the left side of the image. It is deteriorating, which is similar to their goal for this advertisement. When an object is recycled it deteriorates in a compost pile, similar to how these words are deteriorating into the pizza box. The previous pizzas, which are not included in the picture, left grease (in the form of Earth’s land). All the colors are bright and interesting to the eye, symbolizing the importance of trees and them needing to be saved. Light- The Light is produced from the top left side of this image and mainly shines on the pizza and the writing “Fight For The Last Slice.” The corners are darker colors and they are also dull. The light is shinning on the pizza symbolizing hope for the Amazon Forest to strive in beauty and greenery. The rest of the globe is dark showing that people have destroyed the natural resources that generates oxygen. The light is also shinning on the writing in the left corner because the creator’s believe that humanity can save the natural beauty in the world. The source of light is unknown to the viewers of this image but it is not the sun because it is a yellow light coming from inside of a house. Angle- This picture is taken directly above the cardboard box. It is showing a little more than half of the box. The edges and the top of the pizza box are not shown because they are trying to focus on the “world.” It shows the eastern side of North America, South America, western side of Africa, and a small amount of Europe. The main focus is Brazil, South America. The Amazon Forest is located in the top west portion of South America. The viewer is looking down on the image showing how big the Amazon Forest is. If the picture were taken from a different angle, it would not look like one of Earth's major sources of oxygen and would defeat the purpose of this advertisement. Proportion- The world pictured in this image shows only one half of the globe. The light brown color represents water and the dark brown is land. There is more water than land in this image. People have built cities and factories leaving no room for trees and plants. This shows that there are not many resources to create oxygen so we need to save the ones we have. This emphasizes the need for shrubbery and trees to strive on land and to be not taken advantage of. Brazil, South America is the only country with color(the pizza), meaning humans have taken trees away from the rest of the world. The pizza placed in Brazil is big and has a lot of colors. The writing in white is more than half of the earth emphasizing the importance of saving the world. The company's brand placed in the bottom right corner is small showing that their business is not as important as the main message. Placement- The earth and pizza are centered in the picture creating the idea of it being the most important and needs more attention. The writing in white on the left side is written in a big font showing that other things that are irrelevant in our everyday lives, get in the way. This distracts us from reality and the actions that need to be pursued. Setting- This is a current problem happening everyday globally. The advertisement is taking the action of spreading the word that trees are becoming rarer due to people cutting them down. Cutting a tree down is very quick, easy and simple, but growing one is time consuming and difficult. Human everyday activities create greenhouse gases but trees prevent humans from inhaling these harmful chemicals. The holes located on the left side of the box take a similar action as trees. Instead of the steam, created by the pizza, being trapped inside the box, it is taken away by the holes and released into the air. This prevents the pizza and the box from being soggy.

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