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Laurel Highlands Student TEaching PLacement Lauren Schaefer-December 4, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Laurel Highlands Student TEaching PLacement Lauren Schaefer-December 4, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Laurel Highlands Student TEaching PLacement Lauren Schaefer-December 4, 2015

2 Instructional Strategies Student Centered Problem Solving Peer Teaching Hands-On Activities Traditional Lecture Stations/Collaborative Groups Teacher-Directed with emphasis on questioning/discussion

3 Instructional Technology Integration

4 Technology Integration Document Camera Clicker System Kahn Academy/Bozeman Science with Educanon DYMO Pad Research (Science Literacy) Class Website Kahoot

5 Sample lesson plan Unique Properties of Water Problem Solving Stations Supplemental Video

6 Domain 1: Planning and Preparation INTASC 1: Learner development Interest Survey and People Hunt Activity Protein Lesson Plan and Assessment INTASC 2: Learning differences Classroom Considerations Assignment ESL Observation INTASC 4: Content Knowledge Undergraduate research College Lab Report Lesson Plan-dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis

7 Domain 1: Planning and Preparation INTASC 5: Application of Content Course Rationale, Lesson Design Story, Lesson Plan Enzyme Lab-Cross-curricular INTASC 6: Assessment Preparation for Assessment Assessment examples Reflection/Classification Foldable and rubric INTASC 7: Planning for Instruction Note-taking design adjustments

8 Domain 2: Classroom environment INTASC 2 and 3: Learning Differences and Learning Environment College Course work and Articles

9 Domain 3: INstruction INTASC 3: Learning Environments Lesson Plan, University Supervisor Observation Take-5 Engaging Learners Article and Sample Class Activity INTASC 5: Application of Content: Biome Lesson Plan INTASC 8: Instructional Strategies Lab Lesson Plan and reflection Samples of Student work Lesson Plan designs not used in student teaching

10 Domain 4: Professionalism INTASC 9: Professional Learning/Ethical Practice Professional Meetings INTASC 10: Leadership/collaboration Observation form Observations of other teachers Field Trip reflection Coteaching chart

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