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KABO KABELO MOGOME. HIV- Human Immune-deficiency Virus AIDS-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Acquired – one get infected with Syndrome- a group/collection.

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Presentation on theme: "KABO KABELO MOGOME. HIV- Human Immune-deficiency Virus AIDS-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Acquired – one get infected with Syndrome- a group/collection."— Presentation transcript:


2 HIV- Human Immune-deficiency Virus AIDS-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Acquired – one get infected with Syndrome- a group/collection of health problems that makes up a disease

3 HIV is a Retrovirus Reverse transcriptase -RNA to DNA DNA of the virus multiplies and take control of the host cell Affect the CD4 cells(Helper T cells) Paralysed immune system –opportunistic infections

4 STATISTICS 1 st case in 1985 23.8% of the 1.9million population Most affected age group; 18-49 Life expectancy fell from 65 to 40 Urban areas; towns mostly affected


6 GENERAL PUBLIC OPINION Issues of health kept a great secret to the individual A curse / infected as sinners Some traditional doctors claim to offer treatment Stigma, discrimination leading to denial Sleeping with younger one’s as a way of cleansing oneself Some people think they don’t want to die alone

7 FORMS OF TRANSMISSION Unprotected sex; particularly with multiple partners Unscreened blood transfusions Caring of the already infected Sharing of needles on injections From mother to child; either at birth,during pregnancy or on breast feeding

8 IMPACT Compromised health of an individual Lose of family breadwinners Loss of skilled and productive manpower High number of orphaned children Economic impact

9 GOVERNMENT RESPONSE Free voluntary testing & counselling centres Free ARV’S PMTCT Dissemination of information Inclusion of HIV/AIDS in school curriculum Free condom distribution

10 ABC-D Show You Care! I Know My Status, Do You?, Life Passport! Vision 2016- no new infections

11 REFERENCES y_of_aids/html/default.stm y_of_aids/html/default.stm

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