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Objective: You will know how to create an experiment that tests your hypothesis. Homework: None.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: You will know how to create an experiment that tests your hypothesis. Homework: None."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: You will know how to create an experiment that tests your hypothesis. Homework: None

2 Vocabulary 1. Experiment- a test used to discover something or to prove or disprove a hypothesis 2. Procedure- a detailed list of steps or directions 3. Variable- Anything in an experiment that can be changed

3 The Scientific Process Step 1- Ask a question Step 2- Form a hypothesis Step 3- Design an experiment Step 4- Conduct the experiment and collect data/observations Step 5- Analyze results (organize data into graphs, create an observation chart, etc.) Step 6- Draw conclusions Step 7- Communicate results

4 Designing an Experiment Your experiment must… 1. Test your hypothesis 2. Have only one variable that changes 3. Have a very clear procedure 4. Be able to be repeated 5. Include a materials list

5 Our Turn Observation: You notice that you have gotten Fs on your last 3 science vocabulary tests when you are used to getting all As and Bs. Hypothesis: I have gotten Fs on my last three science vocabulary tests because I have been studying with the TV on. What should I do next?

6 Design your experiment 1. Create your materials list 2. Decide what variable you are going to change in the experiment. 3. Write out the steps, in order, and be as specific as possible.

7 Design your experiment Materials: 1. Place to study at with a TV available 2. Six science vocabulary tests (get from teacher) 3. Paper and pencil to record data Variable I am going to change: TV

8 Procedure 1. Ask science teacher for six science vocabulary tests 2. Select one of the tests and study for it with the TV on for one hour 3. Take the test, grade it, and record your results 4. Repeat steps 2-3 with two of the other science tests 5. Select one of the other tests and study for it with the TV off for one hour 6. Take the test, grade it, and record your results. 7. Repeat steps 5-6 with the two remaining tests 8. Compare your results for all 6 tests

9 Your Turn Observation: Lately, when you are waking up in the morning you are still feeling really tired. Question: Why am I still feeling tired when I wake up in the morning? You must: 1. Write a hypothesis that restates the observation and attempts to answer the question 2. Decide what variable you are going to change 3. Create a materials list for an experiment 4. Write out the procedure for an experiment that will test your hypothesis

10 Scientific Process Lab Observation: While watching a football game, I notice that some of the players are breathing in through their noses and some are breathing in through their mouths. Question: Which gives you the biggest breath, breathing in through your nose or your mouth? Materials for Experiment: 2 balloons, string, meter stick, paper, pencil

11 Your Task: 1. Form a hypothesis that restates the observation and attempts to answer the question. 2. What variable are you going to change for the experiment? 3. Write out the steps for an experiment that will test your hypothesis. Before you can get your materials, you must show me these three things and get my approval.

12 Today… Finish planning your experiment Conduct your experiment and collect your data. Analyze your date

13 Examples Hypothesis 1- People inhale through their mouths because it gives them the biggest breath. Hypothesis 2- People inhale through their noses because it gives them the biggest breath. Variable- We will change the way we breathe in the experiment

14 Sample Experiment 1. The first person in the group takes the deepest breath s/he can through the nose. 2. Exhale the breath into the balloon and pinch the open end closed (do not tie it) 3. Wrap the string around the fattest part of the balloon 4. Measure the length of the string using the cm side of the meter stick 5. Record the results 6. Repeat these steps only this time, breathe in through the mouth. 7. Each person in the group completes steps 1-6 three times

15 Data Collection WhoTrial 1 nose (cm) Trial 1 Mouth (cm) Trial 2 nose (cm) Trial 2 mouth (cm) Trial 3 nose (cm) Trial 3 mouth (cm) Person 1 Person 2 Person 3

16 Friday… Graph our data Use your data to draw a conclusion Communicate your results Complete the study guide for Tuesday’s quiz

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