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PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007 PROJECT BASICS Anna M. Assimakopoulos EEF.

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Presentation on theme: "PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007 PROJECT BASICS Anna M. Assimakopoulos EEF."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007 PROJECT BASICS Anna M. Assimakopoulos EEF

2 PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007 Project Presentation Basic Data ▪ Project title: Resource protection, management and promotion of ecological awareness for the sustainable exploitation of edible Herbs and Spices ▪ Contract number: ▪ Duration: 19 months ▪ Start Date: June 1 2006-December 31, 2007 ▪ EU Program: Archimed-Interreg III, Strand B ▪ Budget: Euro 673,995

3 PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007 Project Presentation PROJECT PARTNERS  Participants: 1.Egnatia Epirus Foundation (Leader) 2.University of Ioannina 3.University of Patras 4.Ionian University 5.Harokopio University 6.Region of Epirus 7.Region of Ionian Islands 8.Universita delle tre eta (UNITRE) 9.Municipality of Specchia  Associate Partners –Municipality of Central Zagori, Ioannina –Municipality of Zalogo, Preveza –Municipality of Thinalia, Corfu

4 PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007 MAIN OBJECTIVE Support the protection, management and the sustainable exploitation of edible Herbs and Spices In Western Greece and South East Italy SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1.Identify a range of natural herbs and spices that have a market potential 2.Investigate the selected range (botanological survey and a chemical analysis) 3.Collection of the historical, gastronomical, medical and medicinal information of the herbs and spices 4.Identify the needs, procedures and means for the herbs exploitation through a market analysis 5.Organize actions of public environment awareness through seminars, events and the use of ICT technologies Project Presentation CONCEPTUAL APPROACH

5 PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007 WP3:Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications 13 months From 1 To 13 Project Presentation Workpackage Description WP2: Botanology, Chemical Analysis & Quality Control 11 months From 1 To 11 WP4: Cultural Aspects – History and Gastronomy 13 months From 1 To 13 WP5: Public Environmental Awareness Actions 12 months From 8 To 19 WP6: Market Analysis – Project Presentation 19 months From 1 To 19 WP1:Project Management 19 months From 1 To 19

6 PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007 15 herbs and spices to be presented in the Book: * herbs and spices included in the list of herbs supported by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food Botanology & chemical analysis 1.Achillea millefollium 2.Craetaegus monogyna 3.Foeniculum vulgare * 4.Hypericum perforatum 5.Lavandula angustifolia* 6.Mentha sp. * 7.Matricaria recutita* 8.Origanum sp.* 9.Sambucus nigra 10.Salvia tribola* 11.Sideritis roeseri* 12.Thymus sp. 13.Tilia cordata* 14.Urtica urens 15.Capparis spinosa

7 PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007 7 herbs and spices for detailed and advanced study: Work – Package 2 Botanology & chemical analysis 1.Craetaegus monogyna 2.Foeniculum vulgare 3.Matricaria recutita 4.Origanum sp. 5.Sambucus nigra 6.Tilia cordata 7.Urtica urens

8 PRO-HERBS MEETING Ioannina, 31 May-2 June, 2007

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