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NESKOWIN SECOND ACCESS August 6, 2016 CAC Meeting 1 Liane Welch, P.E. Director 503.842.3419

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Presentation on theme: "NESKOWIN SECOND ACCESS August 6, 2016 CAC Meeting 1 Liane Welch, P.E. Director 503.842.3419"— Presentation transcript:

1 NESKOWIN SECOND ACCESS August 6, 2016 CAC Meeting 1 Liane Welch, P.E. Director 503.842.3419

2 2 Background Headlight Herald Article Studies completed 30% Design State Parks Status Design Budget Construction Budget Next Steps

3 3 Background Coastal Hazard Committee – High Priority $100,000 raised by community Design for Winter Storm, not Tsunami

4 4 Headlight Herald Article NWACT – Transportation Package (???)

5 5 State Parks Discussions Positive Leadership Drafting a MOU County and State Parks, collaboration Long Lead Time

6 Studies Completed Archeologic Study and SHPO Concurrence – No Native American Village, but very interesting history of Neskowin Hazardous Materials Study – No further work recommended Topographic Survey Geotechnical Study Preliminary Design Report with Hydraulic Analysis 6

7 Studies Completed Wetland Delineation and DSL Concurrence – 0.1 acre Wetland Mitigation Bank $50,000-$80,000/acre Choose a wetland bank with the similar function and value i.e., songbird 7

8 8 Resource Agency Discussions ODFW NMFS Three Fish Passage Opportunities Meet SLOPES Criteria

9 9

10 10 11-ft wide culvert - Fish passage to 101 2-12 ft box culverts (weep holes) – will not drain wetlands during summer Remove 2 undersized culverts in poor condition Fill to 100-year event, 15.35 ft 40-50 ft retaining wall to avoid USFWS property

11 11 1-12 ft lane with 1 ft shoulders One – Way, Hawk Street

12 12 Water Quality Facility with opportunities to plant towards the creek Limited available area on roadway, treat stormwater from Parking area

13 13 Access to Fey Property 2-3 feet of fill in this area

14 14 Bridge over Hawk Creek, area of deepest fill, 25 yr event, 1 ft freeboard Remove 2 tidegates and construct 14 ft culvert Butte Creek Access for 9 th hole and Maintenance Shop 8 ft wide path for golfers

15 15 Opportunities for Large Woody Fish Habitat downstream

16 16 3 Speed bumps for safety of golfers to Clubhouse

17 BUDGET 17 Hawk Street 2nd Access Community$97,260 TCPW Budget$130,000 State Regional Solutions150,000 Total$377,260 Remaining DateInvoiceTCPW PmtComm PmtState PmtTask 5 Environmental$377,260.00 6/18/201531342$16,852.09 $360,407.91 7/9/201531508$36,818.89 $323,589.02 8/18/201531554 $14,734.68 $3,242.00$308,854.34 9/28/201531666 $25,222.36 $283,631.98 10/22/201531760 $9,753.50 $273,878.48Reimbursed by IFA 11/17/201531861 $4,548.00 $269,330.48 12/15/201531986 $16,890.25 $252,440.23Reimbursed by IFA 1/11/201632059 $4,197.25 $248,242.98Reimbursed by IFA 3/24/201632296 $4,489.00 $243,753.98To be invoiced to IFA 5/18/201632481 $10,299.00 $233,454.98To be invoiced to IFA 6/13/201632527 $5,214.75 $228,240.23To be invoiced to IFA $53,670.98$44,505.04$45,629.00 Remaining$76,329.02$52,754.96$104,371.00 Note: Task 5 Environmental shall not be charged to the State Regional Solutions funds Column F is the Task 5 expenditures for the reporting period and is included in the total invoice amount Funds from the Neskowin Emergency Access Road were transferred to Public Works on 9/9/2015 so that Public Works was not using a suspense account to pay bills for the project. Use the 590001 Program Code to keep track of how much has been spent using Neskowin Community funds.

18 18 Construction Cost Estimate $1.3 Million

19 19 Next Steps Continue negotiations with State Parks Meet with Stakholders to discuss hydraulic Study and design; USFWS, NNSWC Tech Team, Golf Course Board, Fey Family, Nestucca Fire (by October 2016) Work towards Advanced Plans, 85% design Initiate Permitting – Public review opportunity Look for Grants for construction funding

20 20 Questions?

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