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This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium FINAL STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING BELGRADE, 2 FEBRUARY 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium FINAL STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING BELGRADE, 2 FEBRUARY 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium FINAL STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING BELGRADE, 2 FEBRUARY 2016

2 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium PROJECT’S FINAL STATUS AT THE END OF THE IMPLEMENTATION PHASE

3 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium IMPLEMENTATION PHASE Project activities 3 September 2012 – 2 February 2016 -7 components -70 international and local experts -3815 working days ALL THE ACTIVITIES ARE COMPLETED

4 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 1 LEGAL FRAMEWORK ACTIVITIES -LGA carried out on IED, SEVESO III and EMAS regulation -Tables of Concordance and Recommendations for the full transposition -Draft Law on IPPC, in accordance with IED -Amendments to the Law on Env. Protection to introduce EMAS -Procedure for the implementation of EMAS Global scheme OUTPUTS  LGA on IED  Draft Law on IPPC  Transposition plan for IED  LGA on Seveso III  LGA on EMAS  Amendments to the Law on Env. Protection  Rulebook on EMAS registration

5 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 2 CAPACITY BUILDING ACTIVITIES -Administrative assessment -Implementation status -Definition of new procedures, according to IED/SEVESO -Training sessions for operators and Institutions -3 study visits -Assessment of IT systems and design of a proposed solution OUTPUTS  Dynamic SWOT Analysis  IFA and Procedures for IPPC and Seveso  TNA  IPPC Training: 5 for operators, 2 for permit writers  Seveso Training: 3 for operators, 5 days for officers  EMAS training: 1 for operators, 1 for future verifiers  3 Study Visits (Austria, Greece, Italy)  IT assessment report and proposed IT system

6 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 3 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES -Identification of target groups and definition of a communication strategy for the project and the Ministry on IPPC, Seveso and EMAS -Communication material prepared and printed -Thematic workshops on EMAS -Assessment of the Ministry’s website and recommendations for its re-design OUTPUTS  Communication strategy report  5 leaflets prepared:  Public participation in EU  Public participation in Serbia  IPPC/IED  Seveso  EMAS  Workshops on EMAS (22 nd November 2013, 11 th December 2014)  Report on the assessment and re- design of MAEP’s website

7 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 4 SEVESO ACTIVITIES -Analysis of the existing situation: -Existing industrial sectors and establishments in Serbia -Existing dangerous substances in Serbia -Approaches to risk acceptance criteria in EU MS -Methodology for the selection of the most critical sectors and enterprises in the field of risk of major accidents -3 establishments selected: -NIS, LPG storage, Čačak -NIS, LPG production, Elemir -HIP AZOTARA, Pančevo -MoU signed with the 3 Companies -Risk analysis, assessment and preparation of documents required by Seveso II Dir. for the 3 establishments OUTPUTS  Reports on the analysis of the current situation in Serbia  Methodology on the selection of the most critical sectors and establishments, included its results  For the 3 establishments:  Safety Report  Internal Emergency Plan  Procedures of the Safety Management System

8 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 5 IPPC-IED ACTIVITIES -Definition of a methodology for BAT assessment and selection -Selection of 10 most significant BREF documents -Translation of 3 BREF documents and preparation of 7 National BREFs -Definition of a methodology for setting ELVs and conditions in integrated permits -Preparation of a guide on IPPC monitoring and definition of a template for Monitoring plan -Selection of 3 installations from significant sectors: -IMPOL (aluminum production) -HIPOL (chemical production) -DIJAMANT (Vegetal Oil and derivates) -For the 3 selected installations, assessment of their applications and support in the preparation of the draft integrated permits -Definition of a template for integrated permits, according to IED principles OUTPUTS  Guidance on BAT assessment and selection  3 BREFs translated (Farms, FD&M, Foundries)  7 Nat. BREFS (3 vertical and 4 horizontal) translated in Serbian  Guide on setting conditions in IP  Guide on IPPC monitoring  Monitoring plan templates (general and landfills)  Assessment of the application for the 3 selected installations  Draft integrated permit for the 3 selected installations  Integrated permit templates and guidance (general, landfills, farms)

9 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 6 EMAS ACTIVITIES -Market analysis to identify the awareness and knowledge on the benefits and interests of EMAS in Serbia -Open call for the participation to the project -Selection of 3 Companies: -Galenika Fitofarmacija, Belgrade -TRS Europe, Petrovaradin -Gorenje, Valjevo -Assistance to the 3 selected Companies in the EMAS -Analysis of the status of environmental labelling system in Serbia -Preparation of the legal frame for the introduction of ECOLABEL in Serbia OUTPUTS  Market analysis  Documents supporting the call and selection  For the 3 selected EMAS Companies:  Env. Review reports  Reports on Env. Compliance  Internal audits reports  Draft environmental statements  Training reports  ECOLABEL, draft Rulebook and criteria  ECOLABEL administrative procedure  Leaflets for the promotion of ECOLABEL on 24 groups of products

10 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 DSIP ACTIVITIES -Preparation of the list of IED operators (IPPC, LCP, VOC) -Setting up a WG for IED DSIP (4 meetings) -Methodology for the preparation and amendment of the DSIP for IED -Assessment of the gaps to achieve full compliance with IED requirements -Financial assessment of the sustainability of the measures needed to achieve full compliance -Identification of the compliance and investments plan for the selected operators -Preparation of the draft DSIP OUTPUTS 224 IPPC operators 344 VOC operators

11 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 DSIP ACTIVITIES -Assessment of the gaps to achieve full compliance with IED requirements OUTPUTS

12 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 DSIP ADMINISTRATIVE IMPL. PLAN IPPC/ LCP VOC

13 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 DSIP ACTIVITIES -Financial assessment of the sustainability of the measures needed to achieve full compliance -Identification of the compliance and investments plan for the selected operators OUTPUTS -Dossiers per operator -Financial analysis -Analysis of the impact on EU market -Analysis of the social impact (job losses, missed incomes for public administration…) -Max transitional period: 2026 -13 installations are publicly owned (50%) but requesting 90% of investments -Total Investments: 931.41 million EUR -Source of finance: own resources, loans, funded projects (EU, other donors)

14 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium COMPONENT 7 DSIP ACTIVITIES -Preparation of the Draft DSIP OUTPUTS -Main justifications: ENERGY: no export, energy safety, social impact METALLURGY, CHEMICAL: complex modernization, length of administrative procedures, financial and social impact MINERAL, F&B: job losses in the production chain, low impact on EU market, no breeches of EQS

15 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium RECOMMENDATIONS AND FOLLOW-UP IED - permitting -New Law on IPPC and GBRs for farms -Environmental Information System -Additional resources, training -MAEP coordination of Cas (WG, meetings, interpretation…) IED - DSIP -Environmental monitoring (EQS, Natura2000) -Feasibility studies, financial/business plans -More details in the plan for transposition and permitting SEVESO -New legal frame for full transposition of Seveso III Dir. -Electronic register of Seveso installations in the EIS -Ensure coordination of the involved Institutions in Emergency Management -Additional training and coordination of operators and Cas EMAS-ECOLABEL -Full implementation of the legal frame -Connection of EMAS with other Industrial Pollution regulations -Harmonization with other environmental labelling system -Promotion of ECOLABEL with Green Public Procurement

16 This Project is funded by the European Union Project implemented by Human Dynamics Consortium Thanks for your attention!

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