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Practicum Advice – Class Barnett Did you remember to bring:  PT Binder  PT Handbook If not …. Go get them!

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Presentation on theme: "Practicum Advice – Class Barnett Did you remember to bring:  PT Binder  PT Handbook If not …. Go get them!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practicum Advice – Class 14 @Jennifer Barnett Did you remember to bring:  PT Binder  PT Handbook If not …. Go get them!

2 Bell Work: Binder Task – Peer Assessment  Trade binders with a partner. Using the handout that you received on Organization of the Practice Teaching Binder (or look in your Practice Teaching Handbook), assess your partners binder using the checklist below:  All tabs are present  All tabs are labelled  Timetable is included in tab one  Observations for other class visits are complete  Observations for their associate’s class are complete  Routines section includes Curriculum and Management Routines  Routines describe Purpose and Procedure  Day at a glance if there for each day of lessons  Reflections are complete for each lesson  Other section contains additional support information

3 Getting Ready for Placement!  Methods’ Memo  The following information is provided by the Methods Group to assist in discussions during weeks 4, 5 and 6.  1.Notes for observations and routines should be maintained in the students' Practice Teaching Binders as in the previous practicum.  2.Students have beginning confidence with the planning formats. However, many will still need support regarding the appropriate format for particular subject contexts (e.g., science labs, physical education, etc.).

4 Getting Ready for Placement!  Methods’ Memo  3.LESSON PLANS DO NOT NEED TO BE TYPED. Please note that all students do not have access to the appropriate technology during their placements. Either pencil or pen is acceptable.  4.Students have some awareness of Bloom's Taxonomy as it relates to writing expectations and to questioning.  5.The management component of the course is underway. Therefore, students should be attempting to implement a variety of management strategies within the context of their practicum classrooms.  6.Since this is the first evaluated practicum, students must retain all of their notes and materials from the September and October practica in their binders for perusal by their Advisors. This will include all lesson plans, observation notes, routines, timetables, etc.

5 Getting Ready for Placement!  Methods’ Memo  7.For lessons that are repeated in a rotary situation, students do not need to rewrite the complete lesson plan. However, the preassessments and reflections should be done for each class on a separate sheet along with any changes or additions to the lesson.  Reasonable variations on the planning formats to suit a particular subject or repeated activity should be viewed on their own merits. Students should be able to explain the rationale for variations.

6 Getting Ready for Placement!  Methods’ Memo Planning a repeated routine does not require a lesson plan. Plans for routines are written once, kept in the appropriate section of the binder, and include Purposes of the Routine(s) as well as Procedure(s) for the Routine. Such Routines could be categorized as follows: (a)Management Related: -Opening exercises, entry/dismissal, fire drill, lunch/yard/bus duties, washroom, pencil sharpening, etc. (b)Curricular Related: -taking up homework, teaching a new song/fingerplay in circle time, spelling dictation, Show & Tell/Current Events, daily cursive writing/printing, Bell work, Problem of the Day, story time/serial novel, U.S.S.R/D.E.A.R/D.E.A.W, etc. Note: When any of these routines are used as a part of a lesson (e.g., taking up homework), they should be noted briefly in the lesson plan and referenced to the Routine section where information is outlined in detail.

7 WEEKS 4, 5 AND 6 STUDENT TEACHER SCHEDULE MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 14 Observation 15 1 or 2 lessons 16 17 18 50% Observation/50% Instructional Responsibilities Focus: - Lesson planning and implementation; classroom management strategies; ongoing formative feedback 21 22 23 24 25 50% Observation / 50% Instructional Responsibilities Focus: - Lesson planning and implementation; classroom management strategies; ongoing formative feedback 28 29 30 Dec. 1 Dec. 2 50% Observation/50% Instructional Responsibilities Focus : - Lesson planning and implementation; classroom management strategies; ongoing formative feedback - Rated practice teaching report written by the associate teacher Pages 4 & 5 in your Practice Teaching Binders

8 How will you be graded?  Find the Practice Teaching handbook on- line (unless you have your copy with you). Locate the marking rubric for a lesson completed with a general lesson plan at the back / end. Review it as a group.  As a group, write down any questions this rubric raises.

9 A quick review of lesson planning  Step 1: Expectations  Step 2: Application ; Assessment  Step 3: Content & Strategies: a) Introduction: hook that captures the students while introducing the topic b) Establishing the Learning: the lesson - under Content – (“what”) - er Strategies / Routines – the How  Step 4: Consolidation  Step 5: Preassessment Students Environment Resources  Reflection: After you have done the lesson:

10 Observation #3  Feel free to ask any questions which come to mind Email:

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