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The Software Development Process. Contents  Product Components  Software project staff  Software development lifecycle models.

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Presentation on theme: "The Software Development Process. Contents  Product Components  Software project staff  Software development lifecycle models."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Software Development Process

2 Contents  Product Components  Software project staff  Software development lifecycle models

3 Product Components Product reviews Design document Competitive information Schedules Customer surveys Software architecture Usability data Test plan Product Specification Final product process

4 Main components Customer need  Customer Requirements: Customer need The result of requirement, confirm what features the customer want.  Specification : The result of requirement, confirm what features the customer want. The mechanism to track product progress.  Schedules: The mechanism to track product progress. Architecture, DFD, State transition diagram, flowchart, commented code  Software design documents: Architecture, DFD, State transition diagram, flowchart, commented code Test plan, test case, bug report  Test Document: Test plan, test case, bug report

5 Software project staff  Project managers, Program managers, producers  Architecture or system engineers  Programmers, developers or coders design  Tester or Quality Assurance  Technical writers, user assistance user education  Configuration management

6 SDLC methodology

7 The SDLC and Quality Triangle Software product User Requirements Requirement Specification

8 Software development lifecycle models  Big-Bang  Code-and-Fix  Waterfall  Spiral

9 Big-Bang Testing  Is individual modules of the programs are not integrated until every thing is ready.  This approach is seen mostly in inexperienced programmers who rely on 'Run it and see' approach.

10 Disadvantages of Big Bang testing  Defects present at the interfaces of components are identified at very late stage.  It is very difficult to isolate the defects found, as it is very difficult to tell whether defect is in component or interface.  There is high probability of missing some critical defects which might surfaced in production.  It is very difficult to make sure that all the cases for integration testing are covered.

11 Code-and-Fix Testing There are 2 steps  Write some code  Fix the problems in the code There are basic problems:  Poor structure Cause of no good design  Poor preparation Cause of no good planning  Poor Match to customer need: no requirement

12 Waterfall Testing

13  Advantages  Testing is inherent to every phase of the waterfall model  It is an enforced disciplined approach  It is documentation driven, that is, documentation is produced at every stage

14 Waterfall Testing  Disadvantages  It only incorporates iteration indirectly, thus changes may cause considerable confusion as the project progresses.  As The client usually only has a vague idea of exactly what is required from the software product, this WM has difficulty accommodating the natural uncertainty that exists at the beginning of the project.  The customer only sees a working version of the product after it has been coded. This may result in disaster if any undetected problems are precipitated to this stage.

15 Spiral Testing  This model of development combines the features of the prototyping model and the waterfall model.  The spiral model is intended for large, expensive, and complicated projects.


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