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Day Two Activities Review Day One Lesson Math Stations – At each station do not forget to write in your math journals  First Station – Small Objects Station.

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Presentation on theme: "Day Two Activities Review Day One Lesson Math Stations – At each station do not forget to write in your math journals  First Station – Small Objects Station."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day Two Activities Review Day One Lesson Math Stations – At each station do not forget to write in your math journals  First Station – Small Objects Station  Second Station- IPad Station  IPad Station playing Quick Flash II  Third Station  Computer Station- explore and introduce math games such as Cave Run Multiplication

2 Basics of Multiplication Two Ways to Solve Problems 1) Repeated Addition- 3 X 4= 3 + 3 + 3 + 3= 12 2) Counting Groups – 3 X 2= 6  Zero Rule-  Any Number Multiplied by 0 is 0  5 X 0 = 0 10 X 0 = 0  One Rule-  Any Number Multiplied by 1 is the Number  5 X 1 = 5 10 X 1 = 10

3 Math Station One  First Station – Small Objects Station  Small objects station- use the beans, macaroni, paper clips, skittles, etc. to work example problems using the counting in groups method and repeated addition method  Solve the Problems on the Worksheet-on your own and with your group  Make up your own FUN problems to solve!  Copy problems to your math journals- draw pictures and write the number problem

4 Math Station Two  Second Station- IPad Station  IPad Station playing Quick Flash II

5 Math Station Three  The game Cave Run Multiplication - available for free on (“”, 2014)  “This game truly make practicing the times tables exciting. This is one of those math learning games that kids want to go home and PLAY. Games like this make learning FUN.” (“”, 2014)  Teacher will introduce game at end of day’s two lesson, will play example game with computer connected through projector.

6 Day Three Activities Interactive Math Games on the Computer and IPad

7 Needs Assessment This do-type activity was preceded by the absorb activity and will end with the connect activities. The do-type activity lesson plan is for a classroom of 3 rd graders with 24 students total. This class has both male and female students and will incorporate teaming students together into four classroom layout design. The classroom includes regular as well as gifted and special needs children. To be specific this class has three gifted children and an autistic male student. The students are from middle and lower income families. The students come from a variety of cultures including Indian, American, and Mexican decent. No students are known to have any recurring behavioral issues. The content area will be based upon Common Core State Standard Grade 3 Operations & Algebraic Thinking. (Foster, 2014) The planning, conducting, implementing and performing of the unit plan include administration, teacher (s), students, parents, and technologies. The previous lesson included an absorb activity of the teaching introducing multiplication and the two ways of solving multiplication problems.

8 Needs Assessment Students will demonstrate their knowledge of multiplication with repeated addition and counting groups with the use of quizzes, counting objects, technology which include the use of IPad technology, computer usage, Quick Flash II game, and Cave Run game. The lesson is geared toward mastering Common Core State Standard Grade 3 Operations & Algebraic Thinking. Operations and Algebraic Thinking is defined as the students’ ability to represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division, to be able to multiply and divide within 100, and be able to recognize and solve problems involving multiplication and division. (“Grade 3- Introduction”, 2014) Students are familiar and should have mastery skills in addition so explaining that multiplication is just repeated addition should appeal to their knowledge level.

9 Needs Assessment “In Do activities, learners discover, parse, decode, analyze, verify, combine, organize, discuss, debate, evaluate, condense, refine, elaborate, and, most importantly, apply knowledge” (Horton, 2012, p. 129). Different learning styles and multiple intelligences will be addressed in this lesson through the use of examples, instruction, group activity, small object grouping, IPAD technology, and computer integration. The examples and instruction will show students how to solve the problems and what it should look like. Teacher observation, feedback, and specific instruction will tell students the expectations of the lesson. The game setting teaches them to think critically and use their math skills. The results help students see what they are learning and reflect on what they accomplished in the lesson process.

10 References Foster, A. (2014) TPACK. EDU673: Instruct. Strat. For Differentiated Teach & Learn “Grade 3- Introduction”. (2014). Common Core State Standards Initiative: Preparing America’s Students for College & Career. Retrieved from Horton, W. (2012). E-Learning by design (2nd Ed.). San Francisco, CA: Wiley. (2014) Retrieved from

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