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PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS WEEK 2 Onur Doğan. Introduction to Probability The Classical Interpretation of Probability The Frequency Interpretation of.

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Presentation on theme: "PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS WEEK 2 Onur Doğan. Introduction to Probability The Classical Interpretation of Probability The Frequency Interpretation of."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction to Probability The Classical Interpretation of Probability The Frequency Interpretation of Probability The Subjective Interpretation of Probability Onur Doğan

3 Sample Space, Experiment, Event An experiment is any process, real or hypothetical, in which the possible outcomes can be identified ahead of time. An event is a well-defined set of possible outcomes of the experiment. Onur Doğan

4 The Sample Space of an Experiment Onur Doğan

5 Recall: Operations of Set Theory

6 Example Example:Consider tossing a fair coin. Define the event H as the occurrence of a head. What is the probability of the event H, P(H)? Notes: This does not mean exactly one head will occur in every two tosses of the coin In the long run, the proportion of times that a head will occur is approximately 1/2 1.In a single toss of the coin, there are two possible outcomes 2.Since the coin is fair, each outcome (side) should have an equally likely chance of occurring 3.Intuitively, P(H) = 1/2 (the expected relative frequency)

7 Experiment Experimental results of tossing a coin 10 times each trial:

8 Expected value = 1/2 Trial Probabilities

9 Axioms and Basic Theorems Onur Doğan

10 mutually exclusive / exhaustive Onur Doğan

11 Example Two dice are cast at the same time in an experiment. Define the sample space of the experiment. Find the pairs whose sum is 5 (A) and the pairs whose first die is odd (B). Are A and B mutually exclusive? Are A and B exhaustive? Onur Doğan

12 Example In a city, 60% of all households subscribe to the newspaper A, 80% subscribe newspaper B, and 10% of all households do not subscribe any newspaper. If a household is selected at random, What is the probability that it subscribes to at least one of the two newspapers? Exactly one of the two newspapers? Onur Doğan

13 Example a. What is the probability that the individual has a medium auto deductible and a high homeowner’s deductible? b. What is the probability that the individual has a low auto deductible? A low homeowner’s deductible? c. What is the probability that the individual is in the same category for both auto and homeowner’s deductibles? d. What is the probability that the two categories are different? e. What is the probability that the individual has at least one low deductible level? f. What is the probability that neither deductible level is low? Onur Doğan

14 Counting Techniques Onur Doğan

15 Example Suppose that a club consists of 25 members and that a president and a secretary are to be chosen from the membership. We shall determine the total possible number of ways in which these two positions can be filled. Onur Doğan

16 Permutations Suppose that four-letter words of lower case alphabetic characters are generated randomly with equally likely outcomes. (Assume that letters may appear repeatedly.) How many four-letter words are there in the sample space S? How many four-letter words are there are there in S that start with the letter ”k”? What is the probability of generating a four-letter word that starts with an ”k” ? Onur Doğan

17 Permutations How many words of length 4 can be formed from a set of n (distinct) characters,, when letters can be used at most once ? How many words of length k can be formed from a set of n (distinct) characters, (where k ≤ n), when letters can be used at most once ? Onur Doğan

18 Permutations An ordered subset is called a permutation. The number of permutations of size k that can be formed from the n individuals or objects in a group will be denoted by P(n,k). Onur Doğan

19 Permutations Sampling with Replacement. Obtaining Different Numbers. Birthday Problem? Onur Doğan

20 Combination Consider a set with n elements. Each subset of size k chosen from this set is called a combination of n elements taken k at a time. Onur Doğan

21 Example Suppose that a club consists of 25 members and that a president and a secretary are to be chosen from the membership. We shall determine the total possible number of ways in which two people will fill the two positions. Onur Doğan

22 Example Suppose that a class contains 15 boys and 30 girls, and that 10 students are to be selected at random for a special assignment. We shall determine the probability exactly three boys will be selected. Onur Doğan

23 Example Suppose that a deck of 52 cards containing four aces is shuffled thoroughly and the cards are then distributed among four players so that each player receives 13 cards. We shall determine the probability that each player will receive one ace. Onur Doğan

24 Example Suppose that a fair coin is to be tossed 7 times, and it is desired to determine; (a) the probability p of obtaining exactly three heads (b) the probability p of obtaining three or fewer heads. Onur Doğan

25 Example A box containing 3 red, 4 blue and 5 green balls. What’s the probability that drawn 3 balls will be different colours? Onur Doğan

26 Binomial Coefficients

27 Multinomial Coefficients


29 Example

30 How many nonnegative integer solutions are there to x + y + z = 13 ? Onur Doğan

31 Example What is the probability the sum is 9 in three rolls of a die ? Onur Doğan

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