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Mahmud S. Class 9B 4/23/2011 How are human actions contributing to global warming???

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Presentation on theme: "Mahmud S. Class 9B 4/23/2011 How are human actions contributing to global warming???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mahmud S. Class 9B 4/23/2011 How are human actions contributing to global warming???

2 What is global warming??? ● Definition of Global Warming: Gradual increase in the earth's surface temperature

3 Causes of global warming: ● One cause is an increase in CO2 in the atomsphere and it increases the temperature. &sa=X&ei=02e0TcXVIoH40gHz0OHGCQ&ved=0CE8QuAIwAQ&q=causes+of+global+warming &usg=AFQjCNEAnG-3kak5xT7fQi3qBw4kHiCbAg

4 Causes of global warming!!!!

5 Effects of global warming ● As the temperature increases the water level also increase due to high temperature.

6 Effect of global warming ● An increase of tempeature also leads to change of climates.

7 How are humans contributing to global warming?? ● Humans contributing by littering and driving cars and filling the atomsphere with co2. ● Also by deforestation and that also leads to more co2 in the atomsphere. ● Building factories,homes,and,buildingthey all lead to the same thing an increase of co2 in the atomsphere.

8 How do humans cause global warming

9 ● Humans are one the major reason why global warming is ocuring right now. ● They cause most of the global warming by causing pollution and deforestation and building factories.

10 Solution for global warming... ● One solution can be the three R's which are recycle,reduce,and reuse these can be used to reduce global warming. ● Plant more trees so they can take in most of the co2 in the atomsphere too cool down the earth. ● Instead of using cars you can ride your bike or you can use public transportation vehicles.

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