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The Process – Step 1 CPS Selective Service (males) Cal Grant 3/2 Student/Parent fills out FAFSA. FAFSA goes to USDE central processing system. Department.

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Presentation on theme: "The Process – Step 1 CPS Selective Service (males) Cal Grant 3/2 Student/Parent fills out FAFSA. FAFSA goes to USDE central processing system. Department."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Process – Step 1 CPS Selective Service (males) Cal Grant 3/2 Student/Parent fills out FAFSA. FAFSA goes to USDE central processing system. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Social Security Up to ten schools receive data (ISIR) Student receives Student Aid Report (SAR) National Student Loan Database (NSLDS) Start

3 The Process - Step 2 School receives ISIR and edit flags ISIR selected for verification – school collects supporting documents Consider for professional judgment ISIR not selected for verification – school collects supporting documents Send corrected information back to central processor School reviews file to determine whether student is eligible. School makes award School places Work-Study Job School does loan counseling Aid disbursed

4 Cost of Attendance * LIVING:At HomeOFF CampusON Campus CC$11,000$18,000$20,000 CSU$16,000$23,000$25,000 UC$23,000$28,000$30,000 PrivateUp to $60,000Up to $75,000 * Cost includes tuition, food, transportation, books, housing and personal expenses. Determining Financial Need Cost of Attendance: ________(from chart) Expected Family Contribution (EFC)**- ________ (from FAFSA) FINANCIAL NEED:= ________ ** simulate EFC at

5 Federal PLUS Loans for Parents Financial Aid for middle-income and upper-income families. How much can we borrow? Cost of attendance______ Minus fin aid awarded -______ Equals PLUS loan =______ EXAMPLE Cost of attendance (UC)$28,000 Minus fin aid awarded - 0 Equals PLUS loan =$28,000 Parents must pass a credit check and be citizens or eligible non- citizens, and not be in default on their own loans! Interest rates are 7.9% and repayment begins 60 days after the final disbursement for the school year.

6 TIMING IS EVERYTHING NOVEMBERStudents apply for admissions. JANUARYFAFSA is available online at Students and parents complete HOMEWORK. FEBRUARYParents and students complete tax returns. Parents and students complete FAFSA and submit before March 2. Get GPA Verification done by school and mail it before March 2. SPRINGRead everything that comes from schools and ask questions. Respond to all schools which are still on your list of possibilities. SUMMERPack them up and send them off! IF YOU MISS THE MARCH 2 CAL GRANT DATE, YOU CAN STILL SEND IN THE FAFSA FOR OTHER AID POSSIBILITIES. SOME PRIVATE COLLEGES MAY WANT THE FAFSA VERY EARLY and MAY WANT THE CSS PROFILE VERY EARLY. *Online

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