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Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia. MATTER SCOPE 1.Principle Cultivate Plants Generatively 2.Do Cultivate Plants Generatively 3.Take Care Result Seed Cultivate.

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Presentation on theme: "Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia. MATTER SCOPE 1.Principle Cultivate Plants Generatively 2.Do Cultivate Plants Generatively 3.Take Care Result Seed Cultivate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia

2 MATTER SCOPE 1.Principle Cultivate Plants Generatively 2.Do Cultivate Plants Generatively 3.Take Care Result Seed Cultivate Generatively 1.Principle Cultivate Plants Generatively 2.Do Cultivate Plants Generatively 3.Take Care Result Seed Cultivate Generatively

3 REPRODUCTION/BREEDING EXPLANATION Physiology process in adult plants to produces the descendant so that doesn't happen extinction so that everlasting permanent.

4 PLANTS BREEDING KIND Breeding marry/sexual/generatively Plants ability produces new breed passes male sex cell fusion and female sex cell. Example: seed Breeding bot marry/aseksual/vegetatif Plants ability produces new breed without passes male sex cell fusion and female sex cell Example: stek, transplant, grafting, continue and as it. Paristiyanti Nurwadani (Teknik Pembibitan Tanaman dan Produksi Benih Jilid 1)

5 1. PLANTS BREEDING PRINCIPLE GENERATIVELY Plants ability to produce seed passes process pollination/polinasi and impregnation/fertilisasi Explanation Polinasi event fall it essence powder in bud head

6 KIND – KIND POLLINATION/POLINASI Based on essence powder origin, pollination is discriminated to be 4: 1. Pollination self/otogami 2. Pollination tetengga/gietogami 3. Pollination cross/alogami 4. Pollination bastard/hibridogami Based on mediator that help pollination, polination discriminated to be 4: 1. Anemogami 2. Hidrogami 3. Zoidogami 4. Antropogami

7 Explanation a. Based on essence powder origin, pollination is discriminated to be 4 Pollination self if essence powder that fall at bud head comes from itself flower Neighbour pollination if essence powder that fall at bud head comes from flower other but still in tree same. Crossfertilization if essence powder that fall at bud head comes from tree flower other but from same type Bastard pollination if essence powder comes from tree flower lyang differ the kind or at least has one character difference

8 b. Based on mediator that help pollination, polination discriminated to be 4 1. Anemogami pollination that constructively wind. Characteristic – flower characteristic the pollination is helped wind: A. Flower colour not glaring B. Doesn't take outside smell C. Doesn't produce honey gland D. Long stamen stalk so that easy cause wind E. Essence powder many, shaped soft powder measures Little, dry and light Example: grass – pasturage, rice, corn, etc. 2. Hidrogami be pollination that constructively water. Example: eceng goiter and lotus.

9 3. Zoidiogami pollination berlangsun constructively hesanhewan that help pollination insect, bird, and bat. 4. Antropogami if the pollination is helped by human. Usual be done in plants can not do pollination self or there is no the example mediator: vanilla plants or orchid.

10 IMPREGNATION KIND Single impregnation Double Impregnation

11 impregnation process single Essence powder that consist of generative cell kernel and Vegetatif will step space future seed. powder essence soon germinate to form essence powder bamboo. - Essence powder bamboo menembus nuselus aim arkegonium concurrent with split it cell kernel generartif be sterile cell and cell spermatozoid. Spermatozoid enter in sitoplasma egg and membuahi egg cell kernel forms zygote. Zygote will round into embryo.

12 DOUBLE IMPREGNATION PROCESS Insides stamen found spore mother cell containing essence powder pocket diploid (mikrospora). Every mother cell will split according to meiosis will produce 4 mikrospora. Mikrospora round into essence powder that has 2 wall layers. Part wall in called kernel that contain cellulose and exterior is called eksin that form kutin. Essence powder kernel will split according to mitosis will be generative cell kernel and cell kernel vegetatif (tube cell) Kernel vegetatif will functioned signpost will be be followed generative kernel that will split according to mitosis will produce 2 sperms. Furthermore kernel vegetatif crashed and generative kernel will melt to form endosperma. Spora other will round into embryo.



15 2. DO PLANTS BREEDING GENERATIVELY Prepare plants breeding tool generatively Prepare cultivation of seedlings place Prepare media Seedling Wean seed

16 Prepare And Care Plants Breeding Tool Generatively 1. Hoe Function: - break into remainder – plants remainder - menggembur soil - mix media - make embankment - make aqueduct - make hole seedlings Treatment: - before used to ascertain soil in a condition moist. - Improve saggy hoe. - After used to clear of dirt cling. - Save in a state of dry and clean.

17 2. Soil fork function: break into hard soil, remainder perakaran plants or stoney rather coarse. treatment: - ascertain moist soil condition - clean fork from dirt cling - after clean and dry mempan in repository

18 3. Hoe or soil spoon Function: mix, soil transductor, stable fertilizer and other – other. Treatment: - koid hoe eye bumps stone - medium taking from part on so that hoe stalk not broken - clean hoe eye, pering and save in clean place and dry

19 4. Machete Function: cut twig or plants stick that get in the way seed growth. Treatment: clean machete after used and save with the cover.

20 5. Ripsaw Function: cut wood / bamboo Treatment: clean and save to return ri after used.

21 6. Sprayer Function: tool syringes to restrain pest and disease. Treatment: - ascertain sprayer in a condition good/not stopped - clean, dry sprayer after used - save after used

22 7. Gembor Function: watering tool to pour plants. Treatment: - doesn't fill water exceeds power tampung - water can not be mixed dirt like leaf stalk that can get in the way out it water - clean gembor and save return

23 PREPARE CULTIVATION OF SEEDLINGS PLACE Tune cleaningMedium preparation grows Embankment maker and shelter

24 Explanation Cultivation of seedlings place a place that used to do seedling seed / sprout and wean seed tentative until be seed ready plant at field.

25 Cultivation of seedlings place condition Tune clear of weeds, plants remainder and dirt Temperature, humidity and light intensity organizable appropriate need Fluent draught Protected from strong wind, sunsine and rain Medium grows loose and fertile Doesn't stagnate water

26 Aim Tune cleaning aims to prepare cultivation of seedlings place frees from remainder – plants remainder, grassy field, also remainder – remainder rooter and free cultivation of seedlings place from nest patogen.

27 Tune Cleaning Technique PruningPesticide useBurning

28 Kind and cultivation of seedlings place size 1. Raised bed Embankment formed cultivation of seedlings place or guludan in flat tune without shelter. 2. Sunked bed Embankment formed cultivation of seedlings place located in under soil surface with certain depth and in part on it given shelter. 3. Shade house Embankment formed cultivation of seedlings place in flat tune and be equiped that shelter and closed. 4. Green house Glasshouse formed cultivation of seedlings place that manageable temperature and the air humidity appropriate need.

29 Explanation Embankment luasan certain tune that is made to avoid the happening of water pool in cultivation of seedlings place that causes the ugly aerasi. Embankment size: Wide 100 – 150 cm Long 5 – 10 cm Tall 20 cm

30 Embankment kind that recommended 1. Embankment that used as place to grow seed directly - used to seedling seed kind Grow it rather long and easy carried. - Soil conditioned lose and fertile - example: caisin, tomato etc 2. Embankment as place grow it seed seedling polibag, pot and germination basin. - Unnecessary embankment soil and lose - embankment is uplifted 20 cm from soil surface

31 Shelter function Protect young plants from sengatan sun and rainwater Sun intensity that enter appropriate young plants need Prevent evaporation too big in young plants

32 Medium Preparation Good media condition: A. Free pest and disease B. lose C. Can hold back water and air in proportional total and suffice D. Easy release water surplus E. Aerasi good F. Enough contain element hara Medium that used mixture between soil, sand and stable fertilizer. To seedling the comparison seed 1: 1: 2 Comparison big aim to gets fertile media and if seed is weaned easy pulled For medium wean seed uses comparison 1: 1: 1

33 Factor factor that influence inhibitor seed germinates Infection seed patogenSeed experiences dormansi

34 Some Ways Speed Up The Happening Of Germinations 1. Mechanical treatment - break seed that has skin impermial towards water and oxygen - its way: file, scrub seed skin with sandpaper, burrow seed skin with knife and mengguncang seed. 2. Chemistry treatment - use chemicals so that mellowier seed skin - its way: muffle seed in chemistry solution. - Chemicals usually used sulphuric acid, sour nitrate, potasium hydroxide. 3. Treatment fisis - its way: hot water soaking, treatment with tempeatur certain

35 Seedling seedling activity grow seed in medium grows in cultivation of seedlings place. seedling activity grow seed in medium grows in cultivation of seedlings place.

36 Seed election Certifiable seed diversifieds to be 3 kinds A. Certifiable seed geneticly B. Certifiable seed physiologically C. Certifiable seed physically

37 Certifiable seed criteria 1. Certifiable seed geneticly - come from pure seed - known the suggestion origin - tall the production - hold back disease pest - response towards fertilizing - beradaptsi good with environment 2. Certifiable seed physiologically - tall sprout power - viabilitas tall 3. Certifiable seed physiologically - clear of dirt - bernas - clear seed colour - normal seed size

38 Germination Germinate appearance plumula and radikula

39 Germination aim To detect seed percentage that grow To separate seed that grow good and fast with seed that grow weak and slow To get seed growth uniform

40 Germination medium condition Doesn't poisonous Easy absorb water and remove water surplus Ph neutral Free pest and disease Aerasi good

41 Planting Seed at plant not too in and not too shallow Radicle looks down Hole plug plants

42 Separation Separate seed from the group up to be individual plants in a container aloof appropriate size and grow

43 Aim separate Speed up seed growth Make easy seed accustoms with the environment Decrease seed death level at field Make easy leisure seed transfer

44 Seed criteria ready wean Grow to well Of age, not overage and not under age (age vegetable 10 – 11 days after seedling and age estate plants 2 weeks after seedling) Rooter good Stick candidate grows straight and not broken

45 Manner separation Pour beforehand medium seedlings Pull seed by hold stick base and mencongkel seed root then lifted keatas Seed is planted Pour media grows so that rooter fast slurr with medium

46 3. Seed maintenance Watering Fertilizing Pest control and disease Regulate shelter

47 Watering Matters that must be payed so that water available appropriate need: 1. Water quality 2. Water gift time 3. Watering manner

48 Fertilizing Fertilizing give side dish to plants. Fertilizing aim repair media need plants and element increase hara that need for plants growth.

49 Fertilizer kind Organic fertilizer / nature fertilizer Anorganic fertilizer / chemistry fertilizer

50 Explanation Organic fertilizer fertilizer that produced from remainder – plants remainder or animal dirt and human. Example: compost, bokashi, green fertilizer and stable fertilizer. Anorganic fertilizer fertilizer that is made by factory with gather ingredient – chemicals and contain to back hara that need plants. Example: nitrate fertilizer (urea, za), fertilizer phospat (tsp), potassium fertilizer (kcl)

51 Fertilizing dose Factor influence fertilizing dose: Plants growth phase Media fertility level plants Seed population Low dose is given in young seed growth phase Higher dose is given in adult growth phase Low dose is given in media plants fertileer Higher dose is given in media plants thin Low dose is given in low population Higher dose is given in tall population Fertilizing dose in cultivation of seedlings is accustommed with suggestion included label package

52 Fertilizing time Fertilizing time in cultivation of seedlings is based in: 1. Fertilizer kind 2. Growth phase 3. Wheater condition

53 Fertilizing manner Via medium plants Putted into in fertilizer hole, dissolve to into water then poured out to media plants Done with spraying that aimed to part under leaf because total stomata more many

54 Pest control and disease Pest all mortal (insect and fauna) because tall population can evoke damage in plants. Disease patogen / virus, bacteria. Nematoda that causes ganggunya plants physiological process.

55 Pest kind and disease general assaults cultivation of seedlings 1. white worm pest / accaris sp - Aggressor young seed 2 weeks after plants - entire withered seed parts 2. grasshopper pest and caterpillar plucia - fall of leaf and perforated 3. disease lodoh (dumping off) - assault seed that still young age 2 weeks after plant - rottened in hipokotil and seed collapses

56 4. White pest / accaris sp - assault age young seed 2 weeks - entire withered seed parts 5. Grasshopper pest and caterpillar plucia - leaf brokens and perforated 6. Disease lodoh (dumping off) - assault age young seed 2 weeks - putrefaction in hipokotil - seed collapses

57 Pest control and disease Physical manner - clean environment, kill weeds Mechanical manner - if there pest is taken and throwed away - seed is attacked disease is burnt Chemistry manner - use pesticide chemicals


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