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Welcome How are you students? Introduction: Name: Malay Ballav Assistant teacher (computer) B.D.C.H High School Muladi, Barisal. Mobile No: 01725671171.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome How are you students? Introduction: Name: Malay Ballav Assistant teacher (computer) B.D.C.H High School Muladi, Barisal. Mobile No: 01725671171."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome

3 How are you students?

4 Introduction: Name: Malay Ballav Assistant teacher (computer) B.D.C.H High School Muladi, Barisal. Mobile No: 01725671171. Email:

5 Subject: English 2 nd paper Class: Seven Students: Present: Time: 40 minutes Date:


7 Learning Outcomes After completing the class students will be able to  Learn some rules of transformation of sentence Assertive To Interrogative.  Write correct transformation into the sentence.

8 Read the following Rules carefully: Rules-1. Assertive Sentence wU hw` Affirmative ( n¨v †evaK) _v‡K Zvn‡j †mwU‡K Negative- Interrogative G cwibZ Ki‡Z nq| G †ÿ‡Î To be verb hy³ A_ev can / could / should / would hy³ sentence Gi Pattern nq wb¤œiyc- To be verb/modal+n’t+Subject+Extension+? Asst: The man is honest. Int: Is not the man honest? Asst: We should respect our teachers. Int: Shouldn’t we respect our teacher. Asst: You could do the sum. Int: Couldn’t you do the sum?

9 Rules-2. Assertive Sentence G ‘to be’ verb/auxiliary/ moeal Qvov Ab¨ verb e¨eüZ n‡j Subject Gi Av‡M tense I person Abymv‡i Don’t/desn’t/ didn’t e‡m| Don’t/ Doesn’t/ Didn’t + Subject + Principal verb+ Extension + ? Asst: I waited an hour for you. Int: Didn’t I wait an hour for you? Asst: He works hard. Int: Doesn’t he work hard? Asst: I like tea. Int: Don’t I like tea?

10 Rules-3. Negative A_©‡evaK Assertive Sentence ‡K Interrogative G iæcvšÍi Kivi mgq Negative kãwU D‡V hvq A_©vr Affirmatie-Interrogative G cwiYZ Ki‡Z nq| †hgb- Asst: I shall never forget you. Int: Shall I ever forget you? Asst: She is not a regular student. Int: Is she a regular student? Asst: A fish cannot fly. Int: Can a fish fly? Asst: There was nothing to do. Int: Was there anything to do? N.B: no-any, nothing-anything, nobody-anybody, none-anyone, never-ever, nowhere-anywhere.

11 Rules-4. Assertive Sentence G Everyone / Everybody/ All hw` Subject wn‡m‡e _v‡K Zvn‡j Interrogative Kivi mgq G‡` ¯’‡j who e‡m Ges auxiliary verb Gi mv‡_ not hy³ nq| †hgb- Asst: Everyone wishes to be happy. Int:Who does not wish to be happy? Asst: All love Allah. Int: Who does not love Allah? Asst: Everyone must die. Int: Who will not die?

12 Rules-5. Assertive Sentence G Every, All hw` Subject wn‡m‡e _v‡K Zvn‡j ‡m‡ÿ‡G Interrogative Ki‡Z G‡`i ¯’‡j ‘Is there any’ e¨eüZ nh| †hgb- Asst: Every mother loves her child. Int: Is there any mother who does not love her child? Asst: All men want liberty. Int: Is there any man who does not want liberty?

13 Rules-6. Assertive Sentence G Subject wn‡m‡e None, Nobody ev No one _vK‡j Interrogative Kivi mgq G¸‡jvi ¯’‡j Who e‡m Ges sentence- Gi Aewkóvsk AcwiewZ©Z _v‡K| †hgb- Asst: None can do it. Int: Who can do it? Asst: Nobody trusts a liar. Int: Who trusts a liar? Asst: No one can deny the truth. Int: Who can deny the truth?

14 Rules-7. Assertive Sentence Gi gvSLv‡b hw` object wn‡m‡e nothing _v‡K Zvn‡j Interrogative Kivi mgq D³ nothing ‘anything’- G cwibZ nq, Z‡e Nothing hw` Subject wn‡m‡e _v‡K Zvn‡j cwieZ©b n‡q H ¯’‡j What e‡m| †hgb- Asst: There is nothing in my pocket. Int: Is there anything in my pocket? Asst: You know nothing about the matter. Int: Do you know anything about the matter? Asst: Nothing can stop me from going there. Int: What can stop me from going there?

15 Rules-8. Assertive Sentence G nothing but _vK‡j Interrogative Kivi mgq ïay but ev anything but e¨eüZ nq| ïay but e¨env‡ii ‡ÿ‡Î what w`‡q sentence ïiæ Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb- Asst: Our life is nothing but the sum total of moments. Int: What is our life but the sum total of moments? Or, Is our life anything but the sum total of moments? Asst: The Quran is nothing but the command of Allah? Int: What is the Quran but the command of Allah? Or, Is the Quran anything but the command of Allah?


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