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Take out your grammar practice sheet from last night.

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Presentation on theme: "Take out your grammar practice sheet from last night."— Presentation transcript:

1 Take out your grammar practice sheet from last night.

2 6. Everyone is sleeping soundly when Brendan dropped the glass pitcher of lemonade on the stone tiles of the kitchen floor. 7. Ancient Egyptians were spending their entire lives preparing for their death and burial. Today, however, people are thinking that such arrangements are morbid and impolite to discuss. 8. When Abby saw the turtle trying to cross the busy road, she leaped out of her car and had carried the reptile to safety on the other side. 9. George Washington had believed that he was invincible in battle. He was riding a conspicuous write horse that made him an easy target, yet no bullet hit him, validating his conviction of invulnerability. 10. We would have bite marks on our ankles and scratches on our thighs ever since adopting Nelson, our feisty kitten.

3 Abigail: Tituba: Parris: Mrs. Putnam: Hale: Betty: Narrator: Putnam:

4 1. How does Hale confuse Tituba? 2. What is the significance of their conversation? 3. How does this scene connect to McCarthyism?

5  Hale confuses Tituba by intimidating her and demanding that she confess to a pact with the devil before he switches tactics and comforts her with the protection of God. He forces her to answer questions and this causes her to lie in order to save her life; he uses his cunning interrogation tactics to confuse her into confessing to a crime she didn’t commit.

6 Narrator: Elizabeth: Proctor:

7 6. What does this scene reveal about John and Elizabeth’s relationship? 7. Explain Elizabeth’s statement: “John, if it were not Abigail you must go to hurt, would you falter now? I think not.”

8 Narrator: Hale: Elizabeth: Proctor:

9 11. Why does Rev. Hale come to the Proctor’s home? 12. Which of the Ten Commandments does Proctor forget? Why is this ironic?

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