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Hello my name is Jerry O’Brien But I need to give credit to Kevin Phelps.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello my name is Jerry O’Brien But I need to give credit to Kevin Phelps."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello my name is Jerry O’Brien But I need to give credit to Kevin Phelps

2 How to…

3 Who to sell to

4 What industry?

5 Retail vs. Wholesale vs. Direct to End User

6 Should you sell on line first to prove demand?

7 Create an Online Store Flying Cart is the fastest, easiest way to set up an online store for your products. Whether it's homemade or brand-name, hand-crafted or factory-built, thousands of stores use Flying Cart to handle their selling needs.

8 Sales Reps=commission

9 Scheduling a meeting

10 Pop-in, email, phone

11 Research Your Contact

12 Keep it brief

13 Outlining your product

14 Benefits, consumer need

15 Your story

16 Competing Products

17 Packaging/bar coding /


19 Questions you may be asked

20 Does your product fit the company strategy? Sustainable Demographics Healthy Local Fair Trade Etc

21 Is POS/POP available?

22 Do you have a social media connection?

23 Who else will be carrying?

24 How will defectives be handled?

25 Can it be Private-Labeled?

26 Is there a volume pricing break?

27 Can you put a Bucky on it?

28 To Do list before leaving appointment

29 Leave behind sample/catalog/pricing of product

30 Offer 30 day payment terms (typical)

31 Offer consignment deal as last option

32 What’s Next?

33 Follow-up call

34 Signed Agreement/PO

35 Don’t Over Promise

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