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Warning: These agendas are subject to change depending on teacher’s discretion and students’ needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Warning: These agendas are subject to change depending on teacher’s discretion and students’ needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warning: These agendas are subject to change depending on teacher’s discretion and students’ needs.

2 Eng III Honors for August 11, 2016 Daily Objective: Students will determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetorical is particularly effective. Daily Assignments: Go over syllabus, rules, RWC, journal on Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (due Aug. 11 at 11:59 pm) Take quiz on Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Watch “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore” and analyze, discuss Complete “Crayonout” Poem on Frederick Douglass If time, assign short essay on Narrative of the Life of _____, and brainstorm for it; we will work on this in-class next week

3 English III Honors Agenda August 12, 2016 Daily Objective: Students will understand how to read independently or write independently for fluency. Daily Assignments: Turn in Mr. Morris Lessmore handout if you did not yesterday Take two forms (one to give to me and one to keep) if you would like to retake Summer Reading Quiz on August 23 in- class Reading and Writer’s Club (RWC)- Week 1 ▫We will go over directions and begin our Friday pattern of reading or writing for the entire period

4 Eng III Honors for August 16, 2016 Daily Assignments: Question: Who was the most photographed person in America in the 19 th century? Complete “Crayonout” Poem on Frederick Douglass; I will determine if it is worthy of going on back wall Go over quiz results and journal results; you should resubmit journal in class today; make sure I have looked over it before you resubmit; remember you may not retake quiz unless you have a 3 or higher on summer reading journal Work on Narrative of the Life of _______; write a 350-500 word essay on your life or the life of someone IN SEBRING who is inspirational to you; this is due tonight at 11:59 pm (half the period) Assign and work on Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Group Activity: DIDST Graphic Organizers (Warning to My Overachievers: We are only doing SOME of these questions; only complete what your teacher asks you to do in-class!)

5 Information on Journal/Quiz Results Please clear your desk, put away your phone, and do not take a picture of your quiz results or quiz before I give you back your quiz (Warning: This is true for all AP work we do, as College Board states it is illegal for this information to be reproduced without permission.) The scale score converted to as followed: ▫5=100 % (between 0 or -1 wrong)= 75 points ▫4=90 % (between -2 to -3 wrong)= 68 points ▫3=80% (between -4 to -5 wrong)= 60 points ▫2=70% (between -6 to -7 wrong)= 53 points ▫1= 0% (-8 or more wrong)= 0 points (put in Pinnacle as a Z until you retake it; will convert to a 0 if you retake and are still at a 1) If you made a 1 or 2, you MUST complete all criteria noted on the front of your sheet to retake quiz on August 23 So you are aware, your summer reading journal is graded, and due to issues with MLA formatting EVERYONE must resubmit it in order to be able to retake the quiz. You should look over the rubric result and see if you need to redo it. It will be due Thursday at 11:59 pm and is the second assignment listed on (under Summer Reading Journal on Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Revision 1)

6 Rubric for Summer Reading Journal 5- This summer reading journal received a score of 5 and shows SUPERIOR MASTERY. Answers are excellent, complete, particularly persuasive, carefully reasoned, and demonstrate impressive stylistic control. MLA Formatting contains no errors. You earned 50 out of 50 points for this assignment. 4- This summer reading journal received a score of 4 and shows ADVANCED MASTERY. Answers are intelligent, effectively illustrated, somewhat imaginative; a few lapses in syntax may be present, but for the most part the prose style is strong. Oftentimes, answers have strong vocabulary or basic rhetorical features added. MLA Formatting contains no errors. You earned 45 out of 50 points for this assignment. 3- This summer reading journal received a score of 3 and shows MASTERY. Answers are adequate, some illustrations, but with less imagination than those who received a 4; some lapses in diction or syntax may be present, but for the most part answers convey the writer’s ideas clearly. MLA Formatting contains no errors You earned 40 out of 50 points for this assignment. 2- This summer reading journal received a score of 2 and shows INITIAL MASTERY. Answers are general, illustrations are predictable, and evidence in answers may be superficial or limited; some answers may be missing or unevenly developed. MLA Formatting contains some errors. You earned 35 out of 50 points for this assignment. 1- This summer reading packet received a score of 1 and shows NONMASTERY. Answers may reveal that the writer misunderstood or misrepresented the task or used inappropriate or insufficient evidence and illustrations. The writer may offer rambling generalizations, or rely too heavily on paraphrase instead of original ideas. Some or several answers may be missing or unevenly developed. MLA Formatting contains no errors You earned 0 out of 50 points for this assignment.










16 Eng III Honors for August 18, 2016 Daily Question: What are the main points of the story of Frederick Douglass’ life? Daily Objective: To understand how the diction, imagery, syntax, and tone of Douglass’ writing made his writing strong. Daily Assignments: ▫Warning: I have moved your retake quiz on Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass from August 23 to August 25 cause I do what I want! ▫Work on Narrative of the Life of ____ essay in Rm. 213; due tonight at 11:59 pm ▫As you work on it, I will look over your annotation of your Douglass book to see your progress and conference with you ▫Work on DIDST Graphic Organizers on own, with partner, or in group according to my directions

17 English III Honors for August 19, 2016 Daily Question: What do you prefer— reading or writing? Why? Daily Objective: To improve one’s reading and writing skills by focusing on journaling, analyzing, and challenging one’s self to read. Daily Assignments: ▫RWC; students choose to read or write for 35 minutes; record for 5 minutes and SHOW ME PROGRESS; share the last 5 minutes. ▫Reminder: We will do a retake on our summer reading quiz next Thursday. You will need to show me annotation of your Douglass book as you take quiz and you will need to have made a 3 on all required assessments in order to qualify. ▫Second reminder: I thank you for only leaving my classroom three times per nine weeks to use the facilities.

18 Eng III Honors for August 23 Daily Question: What are your struggles as you begin to write an essay? Daily Objective: To understand how to write for various audiences. Daily Assignments: ▫Share sentence/s or main point of Narrative of the Life of ____ essay in front of class (If not printed, ask me to print it for you—but you still go up and share something!) ▫Complete Battles on Frederick Douglass ▫Continue/discuss DIDST Graphic organizers on Douglass ▫Retake quiz next period on Frederick Douglass; you will show me your annotation at beginning of period, then you can retake quiz as long as you have met this and all other requirements for retake

19 English III Honors for August 25 Daily Objective: To understand how to write for various audiences. Daily Assignments: ▫Retake Quiz on Frederick Douglass ▫Complete Plot Point Game (p. 147) with group of no more than four in 30 minutes ▫Pass out review guide to test on Frederick Douglass, which will be on August 30

20 English III Honors for August 26 Daily Assignments: ▫RWC Week #3 ▫Remember your test on Frederick Douglass will be on Tuesday and is worth 150 points

21 English III Honors Agenda for August 30 Daily Assignments: ▫Test on Frederick Douglass ▫When done, play Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “Hamilton”; discuss favorite quotes/favorite Americans of early American documents/history of significance to you and share ▫Pass out books and do a brief outline of p. 3-4 in Collections 1 of our textbook (We will keep this textbook in-class; if you need to access the textbook at home I will give you a username/password to access it.)

22 English III Honors Agenda for Sept. 1 Daily Assignments: ▫“Coming of Age in the Dawnland” p. 23—31  On your own: Write a one to two sentence summary of each and every page (yes, even the half pages) as you read it; write an at least ten sentence response to the Performance Task on p. 33  In a group: Do the Determine Author’s Purpose on p. 32 on chart paper ▫Of Plymouth Plantation p. 5—18  On your own: Write a one to two sentence summary of each and every page as you read it; Choose one of the two Performance Tasks to complete on p. 20  In a group: Each group will be assigned a page to “translate” into 21 st century talk. Your summary should be at least five sentences, but it can be in the form of tweets and hashtags or whatever else the cool kids are using now. Be ready to put your response on chart paper.

23 English III Honors Agenda for September 2 Daily Objective: To improve one’s reading and writing skills by focusing on journaling, analyzing, and challenging one’s self to read. Daily Assignments: ▫RWC Week #4: Students choose to read or write for 35 minutes; record for 5 minutes and SHOW ME PROGRESS; share the last 5 minutes.

24 English III Honors Agenda for Sept. 7

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