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MODERNISM IN ENGLISH LITERATURE. Literary Genres: psychological realism - a genre whereby authors place special emphasis on the interior life of the protagonist.

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2 Literary Genres: psychological realism - a genre whereby authors place special emphasis on the interior life of the protagonist or secondary characters working-class novel - a type of fiction with a focus on labour relations, with attention paid to working class life, culture and resistance to power fiction - literary works comprising imaginative narration, especially in prose

3 Literary Genres (cont’d) short story - a brief fictional work which usually contains one major conflict and at least one main character detective story - a genre of fiction in which a crime is depicted and investigated, and the culprit is revealed science fiction - a genre of fiction in which imaginary stories often tell about science and technology of the future (e.g. space travel or life on the other planets)

4 Literary Trends: Angry Young Men - Following World War II, English literature saw the emergence of a trend termed “The Angry Young Men” formed by lower-class university graduates who could not find any career prospects in the conditions of post-war unemployment and still prevailing British conservatism. Authors such as John Wain, Kingsley Amis, and John Osborne (dramatist) expressed the anger and disappointment of the deceived generation.

5 Literary Trends (cont’d): positivism – trend based upon French philosophy. Its British representatives, such as Bernard Shaw, Herbert George Wells, etc., believed that science would lead to human progress and the development of a new social order without any class struggle.

6 Key Terminology: subject matter – plot, topic, etc. of a book or speech (contrasted with style) rhythm - ordered or free occurrences of sound in poetry stream of consciousness - a style of writing in which the thoughts and feelings of the narrator

7 Key Terminology (cont’d): free verse - poetry that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme myth - a traditional story that attempts to explain a natural phenomena or justify a certain practice or belief of a society

8 PROSE J. Galsworthy A.J. Cronin V. Wolf J. Joyce H.G. Wells S. Maugham

9 John Galsworthy (1867-1933) Nobel Prize Laureate (1932) trilogies: The Forsyte Saga A Modern Comedy End of the Chapter plays: Justice The Mob

10 Archibald Joseph Cronin (1896-1981 ) novels: Hatter’s Castle The Stars Look Down The Citadel The Green Years Shannon’s Way Jupiter Laughs

11 James Joyce (1882-1941) -considered to be one of the most influential writers of modernist avant-garde short-story collection: Dubliners novels: Ulysses Finnegans Wake A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

12 Virginia Wolf (1882-1941) novels/ novellas: Mrs. Dalloway To the Lighthouse Orlando The Waves The Voyage Out short story collection: A Haunted House and Other Short Stories

13 Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) - is often called the great English writer who looked into the future science fiction novels: The Time Machine The Invisible Man The War of the Worlds The First Men in the Moon

14 William Somerset Maugham (1874-1965) novels: Of Human Bondage The Moon and Sixpence Theatre Liza of Lambeth The Razor’s Edge short story collection: Rain and Other Stories

15 POETRY William Butler Yeats Thomas Stearns Eliot W.H. Auden Stephen Spender Louis MacNeice Dylan Thomas Thom Gunn Ted Hughes Charles Tomlinson Geoffrey Hill

16 William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) - considered by critics to be greatest poet of Modernism; Nobel Prize Laureate (1923) poetry collections: The Wandering of Oisimond and Other Poems; In the Seven Wood; Responsibilities

17 Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888-1965) Nobel Prize Laureate (1948) collections of poetry: Prufrock and Other Observation The Waste Land The Hollow Men plays: Murder in the Cathedral The Family Reunion

18 DRAMA William Butler Yeats - started the trend to poetic drama with plays based on Irish folklore, e.g. On Baile’s Strand. John Millington Synge: The Playboy of the Western World Sean O’Casey: The Plough and the Stars

19 George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Nobel Prize Laureate (1925) plays: Pygmalion Widower’s House Heartbreak House Saint Joan Plays Pleasant (4) Plays Unpleasant (3)

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