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The World of Prints and Impressions. History Chinese, 3000 years ago, fingerprints on legal documents 8 th Century Japan-Legal Documents 14 th Century.

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Presentation on theme: "The World of Prints and Impressions. History Chinese, 3000 years ago, fingerprints on legal documents 8 th Century Japan-Legal Documents 14 th Century."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World of Prints and Impressions

2 History Chinese, 3000 years ago, fingerprints on legal documents 8 th Century Japan-Legal Documents 14 th Century Persia-Government Papers Ancient Rome-Bloody handprint linked to killer William Herschel 1800s (English civil servant working in India) required Indians “sign” documents with fingerprint. Henry Fauld 1800s (Scottish physician) Fingerprints important in criminal investigations

3 History Francis Galton (1892) Published “Fingerprints”-Science of Fingerprints Bertillon System supplemented with prints Sir Richard Henry (1897)-Developed classification system and means of accusation and filing. Bertillon System ditched with William West Case (1903)-Fingerprints used in U.S. Prisons

4 Flawed Bertillon System


6 History 1900s fingerprints used on civil service applications Mid 1900s used by police forces

7 What is a fingerprint?


9 Latent Prints=Invisible Prints When you touch something, you leave perspiration, oils, amino acids

10 Skin Ridge Purpose

11 Provide Firm Grasp Resist slippage of feet

12 Principles of Fingerprints in Forensics 1.No two people have the same prints (millions of prints collected over 90 years) 2.Fingerprints are genetic, develop as fetus and remain the same for life and sometime after death 3.Fingerprints have patterns that allow systematic classification

13 Ridge types 150 Individual ridge characteristics/ fingerprint 65%5% 30%

14 Minutia=Ridge Characteristics

15 Sub classifications

16 Can You Change Fingerprints?

17 Not all patterns on hand! Needs wound down 2millimeters into skin Much scaring making you more individualistic

18 John Dillinger Before AcidAfter Acid SCAR TISSUE

19 Henry System of Classification R. Index R. RingL.ThumbL. MiddleL. Little R. ThumbR. MiddleR. LittleL. IndexL. Ring Step 1: Set up these fractions Step 2: Whirls 1 st Column fingers=16 2 nd Column Fingers= 8 3 rd Column Fingers= 4 4 th Column Fingers= 2 5 th Column Fingers= 1 Step 3: Tally Numbers

20 Henry System of Classification Example –Suppose right index is whorl –Suppose right middle is whorl –All others are loops 16+0+0+0+0+1 = 17 0+8+0+0+0+1 = 9

21 Fingerprint Collection-Ink

22 Fingerprinting-Digital AFIS Search Speed= Minutes to search millions of prints

23 Fingerprints and Crimes Visible Prints –Blood –Paint –Grease –Ink Plastic prints –Impressions in putty, wax, soap dust Latent Prints –Hard-to-see remnants of perspiration and oils

24 Latent Fingerprint Development If hard, nonabsorbent surface ex. Glass, tile etc –Fingerprint powders –Soft brush –Powder sticks to perspiration

25 Latent Fingerprint Development If soft, absorbent surface (ex. Paper, cloth) –Iodine crystal fuming –Crystal undergo sublimation –Not permanent development –Gold-brown development –Mech. Unknown

26 Latent Fingerprint Development If soft absorbent surface –Ninhydrine Spray –Reacts with amino acids in perspiration to produce purple development

27 Latent Fingerprint Development Nonporous surfaces (metals, tape, leather, plastic bags Super Glue Fuming –Cyanoacrylate fumes –Produces white print

28 Latent Fingerprint Development Lasers and Fluorescence –Natural fluorescent components in sweat that can be enhanced with chemicals and observed with laser light

29 Latent Fingerprint Development Alternate light source ( quartz halogen, xenon) –Focused light along fiber optic cables

30 Preservation of prints

31 Lifting Prints

32 Footnote “Cancer patient held at airport for missing fingerprint” (Reuters News Service) Side-effect of cancer drug palms or soles of the feet and the skin can peel, bleed and develop ulcers or blisters -- or what is known as hand-foot syndrome

33 Lip Prints Lip print lands Peeping Tom in jail The Associated Press NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (AP) - This peeper's pucker landed him in jail. Robert Neal Smith, 41, was sentenced to five months in jail Friday after pleading guilty to peeping into his neighbor's windows. He was charged with five counts of being a Peeping Tom after his lip prints matched ones left on a window in August. Police had lifted the impression in September and obtained a search warrant for Smith's lip marks. The state crime lab claimed the two were a match. Smith told the General District Court judge he was drinking heavily when he peeped into his neighbors' homes. At one point he was chased by a woman's husband and another woman caught him tampering with her window screen.

34 Lip Prints The five basic types of lip prints used by forensic scientists are:

35 Lip Prints Cheiloscopy=study of lip prints Ancient Egyptians used henna to paint lips a reddish purple hue Used mercuric plant dye called fucus for lip rouge Can extract DNA from lip prints Lipsticks appeared first in the city of Ur near Babylon 5000 years ago Lipstick first mass produced in tubes in 1915 Differences found between man and women lip prints

36 Foot Prints

37 Feet Most of the time they are impressions of feet and not prints

38 Shoe Impressions What can we tell? –Shoe type –Shoe size –Show wear patterns

39 Wear Patterns - Toe or heal walker - activity of wearer - Body Weight - surface they walk on - Walk with feet inwards or outwards - unique holes/cuts/debris in shoe

40 What material can shoe impressions be left in?

41 Locating Shoe Prints Often found near: - The actual point of occurrence of the crime - The route through the points of entry/exit & the crime scene - Exterior areas

42 How common are Shoe Prints? Combination of floor surface and condition of footwear determines likelihood of a foot print.

43 Likelihood of a Shoe Print


45 Shoe Impressions Can leave impressions in dust Photograph Electrostatic lift –Overlay dust with mylar film sheet

46 Shoe Impressions Can leave impressions in soil Photograph Make a cast with dental stone

47 Shoe Impressions Can leave shoeprint in snow Photograph Spray with 3 coats of Snow-Print Wax Cast with Dental Stone

48 Tire Impression What can we tell? –Tread style=tire model –Tread width=tire model –Distance of left tires from right tires (Track Width) –Manufacturer of tire and make and year of vehicle

49 Teeth Impressions Can be left in food, gum and skin

50 Teeth Impressions Connect suspect to bite mark:

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