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Controlled Assessment Unit 2 – (25% of the GCSE).

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1 Controlled Assessment Unit 2 – (25% of the GCSE)

2 Topics – you choose one! Task 1 (1.1) To what extent is the business you have chosen more successful in adding value than a competitor? Task 4 (1.4) Which is the most important method used by your chosen business to deliver high levels of customer satisfaction? Task 5 (1.5) To what extent have recent changes in the business cycle affected small businesses in the UK? You have 6 hours to research. All your research MUST be recorded on the log sheet. All research MUST go into your folder. You have 3 hours to write up you research under examination conditions from the information in your folder. You will not have internet access or access to your area. For Tasks 1 and 4 you should start with a brief introduction to the business.

3 Task 1 (1.1) To what extent is the business you have chosen more successful in adding value than a competitor? Task 4 (1.4) Which is the most important method used by your chosen business to deliver high levels of customer satisfaction? Task 5 (1.5) To what extent have recent changes in the business cycle affected small businesses in the UK? What is added value? How do businesses add value? What are the benefits of adding value? Where did you get this information from? What is customer satisfaction? Why is it important to businesses? What are the benefits of having good customer satisfaction? Where did you get this information from? What is the business cycle? How is it measured? What are the stages of the business cycle? Where did you get this information from?

4 Task 1 (1.1) To what extent is the business you have chosen more successful in adding value than a competitor? Task 4 (1.4) Which is the most important method used by your chosen business to deliver high levels of customer satisfaction? Task 5 (1.5) To what extent have recent changes in the business cycle affected small businesses in the UK? How has the business tried to add value? What did they do? How did they do this? What evidence do you have? (sources of information) What methods does the business have for achieving customer satisfaction? Which methods are the most important? What methods could they also use? (How do you know-sources of information?) How have small businesses been affected by the business cycle (give examples)? What happened to them? How did they react to this? What evidence do you have? (sources of information)

5 Task 1 (1.1) To what extent is the business you have chosen more successful in adding value than a competitor? Task 4 (1.4) Which is the most important method used by your chosen business to deliver high levels of customer satisfaction? Task 5 (1.5) To what extent have recent changes in the business cycle affected small businesses in the UK? Conduct a survey to find out what the most effective methods are adding value.(primary research) Produce a questionnaire Present the results in a graph (identify your data source) Analyse the results (what do they tell you?) Conduct a survey to find out what the most effective methods of customer service are. (primary research) Produce a questionnaire Present the results in a graph (identify your data source) Analyse the results (what do they tell you?) Conduct research to find out what has happened to the business cycle. E.g. GDP, Inflation, Unemployment. (primary research) Present the results in a graph (identify your data source) Analyse the results (what do they tell you?)

6 Task 1 (1.1) To what extent is the business you have chosen more successful in adding value than a competitor? Task 4 (1.4) Which is the most important method used by your chosen business to deliver high levels of customer satisfaction? Task 5 (1.5) To what extent have recent changes in the business cycle affected small businesses in the UK? What problems might the firm face when trying to add value? How might they overcome these problems? Give some examples of Methods-problems-solutions of adding value What problems might the owner face and how might high levels of customer satisfaction help them? How might they overcome these problems? Give some examples of Methods-problems-solutions of customer satisfaction What problems might the business face when there are changes in the business cycle? How might they overcome these problems? Give some examples of Methods-problems-solutions of overcoming changes in the business cycle Key words/phrases: However, in my opinion, the problem with this is, a solution to this could be, comparing these, my judgement would be, I would advise, an argument against this would be, an argument for this would be, overall I think that.

7 You should end with a short summary of what you have done, how you did it, what you found out and contains the answer to the chosen question with a short recap of why you have come to that conclusion.

8 Appendix This is the final section which contains Any interview questions asked A copy of any questionnaire that you might have used Results of any survey (primary research) you have done (data or graphs) Any screenshots of website resources you have used or graphs that you have produced (secondary research) Any documents you have collected as part of your research A glossary of key terms used A sources of research sheet (THIS IS ESSENTIAL) ALL OF THESE MUST LINK TO YOUR WRITTEN SECTION A log of the research times, dates and evidence collected (NO MORE THAN 6 HOURS IS ALLOWED). This MUST be hand written.

9 Marks Research (12) Present information/data (8) Analysis (12) Evaluation (8) Overall Mark (40) Grade boundaries A* = 37 A = 34 B = 30 C = 26 D = 23 E = 20

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