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Subject lecturers  Mr. Eric Tindall   Ms Chan Man 

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3 Subject lecturers  Mr. Eric Tindall   Ms Chan Man 

4 General information  This is a 3-credit service learning subject open for students on the 4-yr curriculum

5 General information  A subject to be offered in semester 1, 2016-17. Suitable for students who want to:  strengthen their English oral presentation skills  experience teaching English to local primary children  serve the less advantaged children

6  Help students develop the knowledge, language and skills needed to plan, organise and deliver effective presentations in different contexts  Provide students with opportunities to address challenges in preparing and delivering presentations in realistic situations  Enhance students’ sense of social/ civic/national responsibility Objectives

7  Develop the curriculum and teaching materials of a 5 week English reading programme for primary school children attending after-school day care service in local community centres  Present the designed materials and facilitate English reading classes for the school children Students’ tasks

8  Teaching as presentations  Teaching reading / story-telling requires:  Selecting relevant and inspiring materials  clear articulation  effective use of intonation, stress and intonation and vocal variety  Strategies to interact and engage audience Why focus on teaching reading?

9  Lectures and seminars in semester 1 (26 hours)  A 5-week reading programme to be rendered in community centres in semester 2 evenings  A Fun Day event Subject components

10 Lecture and seminar content UnitWeekTopicsContentsLecture/ Seminar 11Introduction Effective presentation skills General introduction to the subject Understanding audience, setting objectives, planning, organisation, delivery and interaction with audience Lecture 2Presentation for teaching purpose Knowing your students, setting teaching objectives, lesson planning, delivery and interacting with students Lecture

11 Lecture and seminar content UnitWeekTopicsContentsLecture/ Seminar 23The teaching of readingWhy teach reading? Choosing and developing reading materials Presenting stories Lecture 4&5Delivery: importance of pronunciation, intonation and vocal variety Articulation, stress and intonation From stories, presentations to speeches Lecture 6Lesson plansPrinciples and stepsLecture 7Lesson plansPlanning a reading lessonLecture 8Lesson plansDeveloping post-reading activitiesLecture

12 Lecture and seminar content UnitWeekTopicsContentsLecture/ Seminar 39Understanding your audience/students How English is taught and learnt in the service point? Lecture (guest speaker) 10 &11 Group ConsultationPreparing the teaching kitSeminar 12AssessmentPresenting your teaching kitLecture 13Finalising the teaching kit Writing quality reflection and details about the service component Seminar

13 o PolyU students serve as literacy tutors in local community centres o Facilitate English reading activities twice a week between week 3 and 8 o Organise an end-of-project fun day programme on a Sunday in PolyU Details about the service component

14 o A video/audio recording of students’ reading of reading text to be used in the reading programme 10% o A persuasive presentation to introduce students’ teaching kit and persuade the audience to use their materials 30% o A video recording of a lesson conducted by students30% o Reflective journals30% Total:100% Assessments

15  Teaching materials used Former activities

16  Teaching materials used Former activities

17 Service learning component 2012 Small group teaching

18 Service learning component 2012 Story-telling

19 Service learning component 2012 Leading small group activities

20 Service learning component 2012 Fun time with kids

21 Service learning component 2012 End-of-project performance

22 Service learning component 2012

23 Feedback from PolyU students Service learning component 2012

24 Feedback from PolyU students

25 Target students  A total of 50 students  Need to have:  Experience in delivering presentations and have clear pronunciation  Good learning attitude and commitment  A heart to serve the less well-off

26 Application procedure  Attend an interview in week 1 or 2 during class time  Students suitable for this subject will be notified by email within a few days

27 Conclusion This subject is about language learning, but goes beyond language learning. It is about learning, application and serving the community.

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