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Understanding and Managing it Stress. What is it? Define stress in your own words.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding and Managing it Stress. What is it? Define stress in your own words."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding and Managing it Stress

2 What is it? Define stress in your own words

3 Stress is Stress - is the body’s response to a physical or mental demand or pressure

4 Type of Stress Eustress – Positive reaction to stress. This is the type of stress that can help us accomplish and reach our goals. Distress - Negative use of stress. This type of stress holds us back and is unhealthy.

5 Different ways to say that you are under stress

6 Answer This in your groups What gives your stress? Rank the top 3 What do you do to deal with your stress?

7 What are the things that lead to Stress? The physical or mental things that trigger or leads to stress are known as stressors.

8 Types of Stressors 1.Major life changes * Getting married * Graduating * Become pregnant * Death of a love one

9 Types of Stressors 2. Traumatic events Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – reliving the event in dreams and or memory. This may show up right away or it may take time to show up.

10 Types of Stressors 3. Conflicts Not sure what to do, torn between two things or love ones, etc. Fights, Arguments

11 Types of Stressors 4. Daily hassles – daily interactions with the world around you. * These could be more stressful than major life events because they are on going (daily) and before you have time to recuperate from one the other one piles up.

12 Stressors can also be defined as… Acute Stress – Short-lived Common acute stressors include: noise, crowding, isolation, hunger, danger, infection, and imagining a threat or remembering a dangerous event. Chronic Stress – longer lasting Common chronic stressors include: on-going highly pressured work, long-term relationship problems, loneliness, and persistent financial worries.

13 Stressors can also be defined as… Biological Stressors: Illnesses, and disabilities. Cognitive Stressor: The way you perceive things or what you expect from situations you encounter. Environmental Stressors: pollution, noise, crowding, poverty, or natural disasters Personal Behavior Stressors: Alcohol and drugs.Going to sleep late Not exercising Life Situation Stressor: the death of a close relative or friend or trouble in relationships.

14 What is this for you? Exciting or Scary

15 Eye of the Beholder How we react to stress depends on how we perceive the stressor and our own ability to handle the stressor successfully

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