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The Debates and Questions of Religious Studies…..

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1 The Debates and Questions of Religious Studies….

2 Why is there so much suffering ? Where is God??? Are WE to blame?

3 Does Religion promote war or peace? Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life

4 Are terrorists TRUE believers? The reality is that whatever these terrorists are doing it is not martyrdom. All these activities are taking them to hellfire. Muhammad Tahir ul-Qadri

5 Doesn’t it say in The Holy Qur’an that suicide is wrong? How can people who blow themselves up think they are serving Allah?

6 Is it right to abort an unborn child? Baby born at 22 weeks survives…. But the mother could still have legally aborted this child

7 When does a life begin? At 8 weeks it contains everything that a fully grown human being has.

8 Is homosexuality right? No man is to have sexual relations with another man... God hates that (Leviticus) Is it truly acceptable to discriminate against someone because of their sexuality?

9 St. Paul said ‘In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. ‘ Romans 1:27 But many Christian denominations such as Quakers now accept homosexuality …there’s even an openly gay Bishop in America! Opinions are changing…

10 Is there a God? How else did all this get here? Clearly not!

11 Can we look to God for everything?

12 Religion isn’t just about GOD, it’s about personal BELIEFS, VALUES, MORALS and is a way of life Do YOU have morals and values?

13 What does religion give people? Sense of identity and belonging? Hope? No fear of the afterlife ? Guidance for life? Morals? Help and support in difficult times? A meaning to life?

14 ‘We have our guide to living a good life’

15 "I've always thought there's a God although I've never been a churchy kind of person but now I think, Why not go to church? I've got a version of the Bible which is easy to read and I look through it when I'm feeling down. It really helps. "And I've always prayed but now I do find it helps. Maybe the big man upstairs thinks, she's a tough cookie, she can handle this. She's watched her dad inject heroin, watched her mum do crack, she's lost a baby, had boyfriends who've hit her. Yeah, she can handle this too. "But I do think after this is over, God might think I've had more than my fair share to deal with." What Jade thought about suffering and God…

16 When you meet someone, what do you notice first? gender?colour? age?weight? disability? religion? style? How much do you PRE-JUDGE others? Is this right? height? sexuality?

17 It’s the revealed word of God, it was written down by people who were inspired by God It’s a book of myths and stories, but it shows us how God wants us to live No, every word is true, just as it happened What is The Bible? It wasn’t even written down until well after the time of Jesus It is the main source of religious authority for Christians

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