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52° International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics Status of art of FARCOS Project L. Acosta 2,8, F. Amorini 2, A. Anzalone 2, L. Auditore 4,5, G. Cardella.

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Presentation on theme: "52° International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics Status of art of FARCOS Project L. Acosta 2,8, F. Amorini 2, A. Anzalone 2, L. Auditore 4,5, G. Cardella."— Presentation transcript:

1 52° International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics Status of art of FARCOS Project L. Acosta 2,8, F. Amorini 2, A. Anzalone 2, L. Auditore 4,5, G. Cardella 1, E. De Filippo 1, L. Francalanza 2,3, R. Gianì 2,3, G. Lanzalone 2,7, I. Lombardo 6, T. Minniti 4,5, E. Morgana 5, S. Norella 5, A. Pagano 1, E.V. Pagano 2,3, M. Papa 1, S. Pirrone 1, G. Politi 1,3, L. Quattrocchi 4,5,F. Rizzo 2,3, P. Russotto 1, A. Trifirò 4,5, M. Trimarchi 4,5, G. Verde 1 1.INFN Sezione di Catania 2.INFN LNS 3.Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia Università di Catania 4.INFN_Gruppo Collegato di Messina 5.Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra Università Messina 6.INFN-Sezione di Napoli and Dipartimento di fisica Università di Napoli Federico II 7.Università Kore Enna 8.Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, Spain

2 OUTLINE FARCOS physics cases Simulation results Test on CsI(Tl) crystals Test on DSSSD strip detectors New front-end electronics planned Conclusions and perspectives 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration

3 FARCOS PHYSYCS CASES (1) FARCOS PHYSYCS CASES (1) 1- Dynamics in heavy-ion collisions (low and intermediate energies, stable beams and RIB) -Femtoscopy: space time probes of light particle emitting source G. Verde et al., PRC 65 (2002) 8 B → p+ 7 Be W.Tan, PRC 2004 2- Invariant mass spectroscopy (with stable and exotic fragmentation beams) -Multi-particle decay correlations -Cluster states (alpha-conjugate, boson condensates) 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration

4 p-p Correlation Efficiency curve Granularity=7° High resolution is necessary in order to reconstruct the exact shape of correlation function at low values of Qrel REQUIREMENTS  High granularity  High energy resolution  High angular resolution FARCOS PHYSYCS CASES (2) FARCOS PHYSYCS CASES (2) 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration

5 DSSSD 300 µm (1°stage) DSSSD 1500 µm (2° stage) 4 CsI(Tl) crystals (3rd stage) photodiodes View of array Basic telescope FARCOS (Fentomscopy ARray for Correlation and Spettroscopy) 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration

6 High energy and angular resolution ( θ, φ ) Wide dynamic range of identification -MeV to GeV Pulse-shape capabilities - Low identification thresholds Modularity Flexibility - Electronics integrated, reconfigurable -Copuling with 4 π array, magnetic spectrometers, neutron detectors, etc.. Portability - Copuling with several facilities around the world Features planned for FARCOS array 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration


8 The efficiency increases by a factor about 25 The resolution increases by a factor about 3 Efficiency FWHM=18% FWHM=12% FWHM=6% FWHM=4% Relative energy reconstruction d=250mm Effects of geometrical setup Both setup cover the same angular region Δθ=0.5 o d=72mm Δθ=1.4 o EFFFECTS OF ANGULAR RESOLUTION ON CORRELATION FUNCTIONS EFFICIENCY and RESOLUTION necessary to obtain a good reconstruction of correlation functions. 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM

9 DSSSD (Double- Sided Silicon Strip Detector) TEST Experimental Setup Strip detector Vacuum chamber “Mixed” α source 239 Pu, 241 Am, 244 Cm Preamplifiers Mesytec MPR-32NPA prototype TEST ON DETECTORS Low power consumption: <900 mW Energy resolution 1500μm (alpha source) ~0.5% for E=5.48 MeV peak Rise‐Time (pulser): 3-7 nsec for C input =0-100pF Available with several sensitivities (5, 10, 45, 100 mV/MeV…) 32 channels Hybrid charge preamplifiers in a volume of about 8cm x 10cm x 2cm 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration

10 Charge sharing phenomena … After calibration Also 0.7% of total events FRONT TEST ON DETECTORS Resolution=45 KeV It is impossible to recover these events 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration

11 … TEST ON DETECTORS … TEST ON DETECTORS LIGHT RESPONSE UNIFORMITY TESTS OF CsI(Tl) CRYSTALS Experimental Setup VACUUM CHAMBER SCANNING SYSTEM α SOURCE 241 A 5.48 MeV SURFACE TEST WITH α SOURCE Variations under 1% Variation up 5% SBG055 SBG052 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration

12 … CARATTERIZZAZIONE DEI RIVELATORI LIGHT RESPONSE UNIFORMITY TESTS OF CsI(Tl) CRYSTALS DEPHT TEST: α+ 208 Pb a E=62AMeV Experimental setup First 4 prototype of FARCOS telescope CHIMERA chamber After correction Resolution=0.5% All crystals show non- uniformity under 1% Before correction Resolution=0.8% … TEST ON DETECTORS … TEST ON DETECTORS 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration

13 µTCA Crate µTCA Backplane Hardware Architecture DETECTOR ARRAY Multiplicities Trigger / TS 1 Gb Ethernet per COBO 10 Gb Ethernet DAQ Network Switch DAQ Workstations General Electronics for TPCs 132 channelS for each telescope New front-end electronics planned for FARCOS array 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration PA Shaper SCA Pulser

14 First peak resolution:180 KeV 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration …….. In progress

15 CONCLUSIONS Performed simulations show that we expect good performances of apparatus and possibility to achieve, with suitable geometrical setup, resolutions and efficiency to have precise meaurements of correlation functions We will continue our study of light response at inner depth of crystals using higher energy beams We are moving towards ASIC electronics in order to control and process the signals produced by each channel of FARCOS telescope General Electronics for TPCs 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration …….. In progress and perspectives

16 Some of the experiments planned in 2014 @ LNS 31 January 2014, Bormio (Italy). L.Quattrocchi for EXOCHIM Collaboration

17 EXOCHIM collaboration PARTICIPANTS L. Acosta 1, T. Minniti 2,3, L. Quattrocchi 2,3, G. Verde 4, G. Cardella 4, F. Amorini 1, A. Anzalone 1, L. Auditore 2,3, E. De Filippo 4, L. Francalanza 1,5, E. Geraci 4,5, C. Guazzoni 7,8, E. La Guidara 4,9, G. Lanzalone 1,10, I. Lombardo 1,5, C. Maiolino 1, E.V. Pagano 1,5, A. Pagano 4, M. Papa 4, S. Pirrone 4, G. Politi 4,5, F. Porto 1,5, F. Rizzo 1,5, P. Russotto 1,5, A. Trifirò 2,3, M. Trimarchi 2,3, M. Vigilante 13,14. INSTITUTIONS 1 INFN-LNS; 2 INFN- Gruppo Collegato di Messina; 3 Dip. Fis. Univ. Messina; 4 INFN- Sez. Catania; 5 Dip. Fis. e Astr. Univ. Catania; 7 INFN- Sez. Milano; 8 Dip. Fis. Univ. Milano; 9 CSFNSM, Catania; 10 Univ. KORE, Enna, Italy; 11 Univ. de Huelva, Spain; 13 INFN- Sez. Napoli; 14 Dip. Fis. Univ. Napoli.


19 Koonin-Pratt Equation Source function Probability of emitting two particles with a relative distance recorded at the time when the last particle is emitted Kernel function Coulomb Nuclear

20 82 < Q rel < 86MeV/c

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