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Wonderful Sunday School Childr en!! I kings 1. Who made himself king without David knowing it? (I kings 1:5-11)  Adonijah  Benaiah  Joab  Shimei.

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Presentation on theme: "Wonderful Sunday School Childr en!! I kings 1. Who made himself king without David knowing it? (I kings 1:5-11)  Adonijah  Benaiah  Joab  Shimei."— Presentation transcript:


2 Wonderful Sunday School Childr en!! I kings

3 1. Who made himself king without David knowing it? (I kings 1:5-11)  Adonijah  Benaiah  Joab  Shimei  Solomon Answer: 1

4 2. Bathsheba told king David, "Adonijah hath slain oxen and fat cattle and sheep in abundance, and hath called all the so ns of the king, and Abiathar the priest, and Joab t he captain of the host: but __________ t hy servant hath he not called." (I kings 1:19) Answer: Solomon

5 3. Who did David charge Solomon to put to death? (I kings 2:5-6,8-9)  Amasa  Joab  Shimei  All of the above Answer: 2, 3

6 4. How many years did David reign as king? (I kings 2:10-12)  7  20  33  40  50 Answe r: 4

7 5. Who killed Joab and was put over Solomo n’s army? (I kings 2:28-35)  Ahimaaz  Benaiah  Cushi  Hushai  None of the above Answe r: 2

8 6. Who did Solomon marry? (I kings 3:1-2 )  Abishag  The daughter of Hiram, king of Tyre  The daughter of Pharaoh, king of Egyp t  The daughter of the king of Syria  None of the above Answe r: 3

9 7. Was Solomon doing the right thing by goi ng to the high places to offer sacrifices and burn incense? (I kings 3:3)  Yes  No Answe r: 2

10 8. How did God appear to Solomon while he was at Gibeon?(I kings 3:5)  In a burning bush  In a dream at night  In a vision in the middle of the day Answe r: 2

11 9. After God told Solomon to ask him for whatever he wanted, what did Solomon respond with? (I kings 3:9)  Wisdom to rule and judge well and to know the difference between right and w rong  Wealth  Long life Answe r: 1

12 10. In addition to Solomon’s request, what else did the Lord say would be given to him ? (I kings 3:10-15)  Honor  Long life  Riches  All of the abo ve  Honor & Riches Answe r: 5

13 11. Of all the leading officials during Solom on's reign, who was the official who wrote d own all of the historical notes about the peo ple? (I kings 4:3)  Jehoshaphat  Elihoreph  Ahijah  All of the ab ove Answe r: 1

14 12. Who was the governor of the hill count ry of Ephraim? (I kings 4:8)  Ben Hur  Ben Deker  Ben Hesed  All of the above Answe r: 1

15 13. Which of the following describes the pe ople of Israel and Judah under Solomon's re ign? (I kings 4:20)  They were happy and had plenty to e at  They were sad and never felt like the y were good enough  They were hungry and there was a fa mine  All of the above Answe r: 1

16 14. What were the borders with other coun tries like during Solomon's reign? (I kings 4: 24)  Constant fighting  Peaceful  All of the above  None of the a bove Answe r: 2

17 15. How many proverbs Solomon speak? (I kings 4:32)  300  1000  1005  2000  3000 Answe r: 5

18 16. Of what else did Solomon speak? (I kings 4:33)  Trees  Beasts  Fowl  Creeping th ings  All of the above Answe r: 5

19 17. From whom did Solomon request timber from cedar trees? (I kings 5:1-6)  Bezaleel  Hiram, king of Tyre  Pharaoh, king of Egypt  The Queen of Sheba Answe r: 2

20 18. Hiram sent to Solomon, saying, " I ha ve considered the things which thou sente st to me for: and I will do all thy desire co ncerning timber of _________________and concerning timber of fir." (I kings 5:8) Answe r: cedar

21 19. How many years after Israel left Egypt d id Solomon begin to build the temple? (I kings 6:1)  320  400  480  500  560 Answer: 3

22 20. What noise was not heard in the construc tion of the temple? (I kings 6:7)  Any tool of iron  Ax  Hammer  All of the ab ove Answe r: 4

23 21. Of what material was the inside of the te mple overlaid? (I kings 6:21-22)  Brass  Gold  Gopher wood  Ivory  Silver Answe r: 2

24 22. How many years did it take to build th e temple? (I kings 6:38)  3  7  13  20  None of the above Answe r: 2

25 23. How many years did it take to build Solomon’s house. (I kings 7:1)  3  7  13  20  None of the above Answe r: 3

26 24. Solomon brought in the things which David his father had __________; even th e silver, gold, and the vessels did he put amo ng the treasures of the house of the Lord. (I kings 7:51) Answe r: dedicated

27 25. What did the priests bring to the temple ? (I kings 8:3-9)  The ark of the LORD  The tabernacle of the congregation  The holy vessels that were in the tabernacle  All of the above Answe r: 4

28 26. What filled the temple when the priests came out of the holy place? (I kings 8: 10-11)  Angels  A sound of a rushing mighty wind  The glory of the LORD  Thick smoke  None of the above Answe r: 3

29 27. What did Solomon request of the Lord w hen people prayed toward the temple? (I kings 8:30,32,34,36,39,43,45,49)  Blessings on the kingdom of Israel  To hear from heaven  Victory over their enemies  All of the above  None of the above Answe r: 2

30 28. What did Solomon build at Ezion-Geber? (I kings 9:26)  A house for his wives  A navy of ships  A place to store  A summer palace  A stable for his horses Answe r: 2

31 29. Upon seeing the achievements and wisd om of Solomon, who said “The half was not told me: your wisdom and prosperity excee ds the fame which I heard”? (I kings 10:1-10 )  Hadad, the Edomite  Pharaoh, king of Egypt  Rezon the son of Eliadah  Queen of Sheba  None of the above Answe r: 4

32 30. How many wives did Solomon have? (I kings 11:1-3)  12  100  300  500  None of the above Answe r: 5

33 31. Who tore Jeroboam’s new garment in tw elve pieces and gave him ten pieces illustrati ng to Jeroboam that he would become king of ten tribes? (I kings 11:26-33)  Ahijah  Elijah  Elisha  Nathan  None of the above Answe r: 1

34 32. Whose advice did Rehoboam follow? (I kings 12:9-15)  The old men  The priests  The prophets  The young men  None of the above Answe r: 4

35 33. What did Israel do to Adoram, who was over the tribute? (I kings 12:18)  Promoted him to be treasurer  Put him in prison  Shaved off half of his beard  Stoned him with stones  None of the above Answe r: 4

36 34. Where did Jeroboam set up golden calve s? (I kings 12:26-33)  Bethel  Dan  Jerusalem  All of the abo ve  Bethel & Dan Answe r: 5

37 35. What happened to Jeroboam when he tr ied to seize the man of God? (I kings 13:4 -5)  A lion met him on his way home and s lew him  He became lame  His hand dried up  His hand became leprous  None of the above Answe r: 3

38 36. Rehoboam the son of Solomon was fo rty one years old when he began to reign an d he reigned ___________ years in Jerus alem. (I kings 14:21) Answer: seventeen

39 37. How corrupt did Judah become? (I kings 14:21-24)  They built high places, images, and gr oves  There were also sodomites in the land  They did according to all the abominat ions of the nations which the LORD cast o ut before the children of Israel  All of the above Answe r: 4

40 38. Who took away the treasures of the hou se of the LORD the treasures of the king's ho use, and all the shields of gold which Solomo n had made? (I kings 14:25-26)  Benhadad, king of Syria  Jeroboam  The Philistines  Shishak, king of Egypt  None of the above Answe r: 4

41 39. What material did Rehoboam substitute for the shields of gold that were taken from the temple? (I kings 14:27-28)  Bronze  Copper  Iron  Wood  None of the above Answe r: 1

42 40. Who did that which was right in the eye s of the LORD? (I kings 15:9-15)  Abijam  Asa  Baasha  Nadab  None of the above Answe r: 2

43 41. What city did Omri build? (I kings 16:2 4)  Genasseret  Hebron  Samaria  Shechem  None of the above Answe r: 3

44 42. Who did Ahab marry? (I kings 16:31)  Abigail  Abishag  Jezebel  Pharaoh’s daughter  None of the above Answe r: 3

45 43. Elijah the Tishbite said unto Ahab, "A s the Lord God of Israel liveth, there shall not be ______________ these years." (I ki ngs 17:1)  storm  snow  clouds  dew nor ra in  None of the above Answe r: 4

46 44. How was Elijah fed during the time wh en it did not rain for three years before the brook dried? (I kings 17:2-5)  Angels fed him  Manna from heaven  Ravens fed him  A widow sustained him  None of the above Answe r: 3

47 45. Who took an hundred of the LORD’s prophets, and hid them by fifty in a cav e, and fed them with bread and water when Je zebel was killing prophets? (I kings 18:3-6)  Elijah  Elisha  Micaiah  Obadiah  Ziba Answe r: 4

48 46. How much was Elijah outnumbered on Mt. Carmel? (I kings 18:19)  100 to 1  400 to 1  450 to 1  850 to 1  None of the above Answe r: 4

49 47. What would be the sign of the one true God? (I kings 18:22-24)  The altar would split  The true God would answer by fire  The sundial would go back ten degree s  Thunder and lightning  None of the above Answe r: 2

50 48. What sign was given to Elijah’s servant that it was going to rain? (I kings 18:42-44 )  A little cloud out of the sea, like a ma n's hand  A sound of abundance of rain  Dew on woolen fleece on the ground  Thunder and lightning  None of the above Answe r: 1

51 49. How did the LORD speak to Elijah? (I kings 19:11-12)  In an earthquake  In a fire  In a still small voice  In a wind  None of the above Answe r: 3

52 50. Who did the LORD tell Elijah to anoint? (I kings 19:15-17)  Hazael to be king over Syria  Jehu to be king over Israel  Elisha to be prophet in Elijah’s place  All of the above Answe r: 4

53 51. What was Elisha doing when Elijah foun d him? (I kings 19:19-20)  Hiding among the stuff  Plowing with twelve yoke of oxen befo re him  Praying  Threshing wheat  None of the above Answe r: 2

54 52. Why did the LORD give Ahab victory ove r Benhadad? (I kings 20:13,28)  Ahab called on God  Because the Syrians said, The LORD is God of the hills, but he is not God of the v alleys  Elijah prayed a fervent prayer  The LORD sent thunder and lightning  An angel smote 185,000 Answe r: 2

55 53. Who refused to sell Ahab his vineyard? (I kings 21:1-6)  Elijah  Elisha  Micaiah  Naboth  None of the above Answe r: 4

56 54. Jezebel wrote ______ in Ahab's nam e, and sealed them with his seal, and sent t he letter unto the elders and to the nobles tha t were in his city, dwelling with Naboth. (I kings 21:8) Answe r: letters

57 55. What did Elijah prophesy would happen to Jezebel? (I kings 21:23)  A horse would trample her to death  The dogs would eat her by the wall of Jezreel  She would be thrown over a wall by h er servants  All of the above  None of the above Answe r: 2

58 56. There came forth a spirit, and stood before the Lord, saying, "I will __________ _ him." (I kings 22:21) Answer: entice,persuade

59 57. What did Jehoshaphat first want to do before going with Ahab to battle? (I kings 22:5)  Consult the Urim and Thummin  Count the cost  Fast  Inquire at the word of the LORD  Read the scriptures Answe r: 4

60 58. Who did Ahab hate because he did not prophesy good concerning Ahab, but ev il? (I kings 22:7-8,18)  Elijah  Elisha  Micaiah  Nathan  Zadok Answe r: 3

61 59. "Who shall persuade ______, that he may go up and fall at Ramothgilead?" On e said on this manner, and another said on that manner. (I kings 22:20) Answe r: Ahab

62 60. What happened to Ahab in the battle? (I kings 22:29-40)  He was afraid and turned back  He was smitten with an arrow and he died  His head got caught in a woo d  Jehoshaphat turned against him and killed him  None of the above Answe r: 2

63 첨성대 Congratulations !!

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