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Instrumentation, platforms, and data formats for ocean currents and temperature: a brief overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Instrumentation, platforms, and data formats for ocean currents and temperature: a brief overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instrumentation, platforms, and data formats for ocean currents and temperature: a brief overview

2 Platforms Teledyne (RD instruments

3 Operational Oceanography: measured and derived ocean currents

4 Operational Oceanography: water temperature

5 Challenges for coordinating data aggregation for different instruments and platforms Different data delivery formats Varying horizontal and vertical resolutions Varying time sampling intervals Varying methods of data delivery: I.e. telemetry - wireless, satellite

6 Data Formats Real-time formats typically a standard format such as WMO, which is utilized over the GTS system. Although it may be a proprietary manufacturer’s data format. Some systems, like on Explorer of the Seas, has enough bandwidth to download large portions of the data every 15 minutes using rsync. Near real-time formats data formats that may include QA/QC. These formats vary from tables produced on web pages and traditional flat ASCII files, to self-describing binary formats such as NetCDF. Archive formats typically self-describing data formats in ASCII,GIS or NetCDF. Web services tools now provide methods to have the user display and download the data in the several different formats.

7 Data delivery methods to users Site specific website pages query and download Community portal web GIS at CSV(Comma Separated Value) files (flat ASCII format) netCDF files DODS/OPeNDAP query interface ESRI ShapefilesWFS (Web Feature Service) Web Service query with XML or SOAP response Google Earth Examples of all the above may be found at:

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