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The locks of the Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris..

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Presentation on theme: "The locks of the Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris.."— Presentation transcript:

1 The locks of the Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris.

2 During the XIVth Century, Francisque Biscornet must make locks for doors of Notre- Dame de Paris.

3 During the day, he makes locks but during the night, he breaks them because he isn't satisfied : he wants perfect work. A lock

4 Time passes... Locks aren't ready... So, he goes to the Devil... The Devil can make the perfects locks in exchange for his soul. SATAN / THE DEVIL

5 Francisque becomes rich.

6 But he isn't happy. So, he explains the story to her wife, Pernette.

7 Pernette puts a pillow under her dress, like a baby. Then, she suggests a new pact to Satan.

8 She suggests to take her pure baby's soul. So, the Devil changes names on the pact.


10 Her husband is saved. And the perfect locks are still on Notre – Dame de Paris !

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