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Presentation on theme: "WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT MAY SAFE YOUR LIFE WOMEN’S SAFETY."— Presentation transcript:


2 AT HOME BASICS AVOIDING BURGLARY When someone knocks at your door, unless you recognize the person never fully open the door but slightly crack it to communicate. Always keep the chain on, and ask for identification. Many thieves will impersonate workmen, surveyors, or salesmen. If someone is at your front door, always make sure you back door is locked. Thieves often work in pairs and one can come in the backdoor while you are distracted at the front. Never answer personal questions such as “Are you married?”, “Do you live here alone?”, “What do you do for work?”. I personally lie when these questions are asked. “Furniture delivery, Carpet cleaners

3 SIGNS BUGLERS' LOOK FOR Non-maintained yard. Keys left in your vehicle while you run into the store. Dark or concealed hiding areas. Windows left open when you are away. Notes left on exterior doors explaining where you have gone. The spare house key on top of the door jam. An open garage door. Sliding glass door, without auxiliary locks. A house unlit night after night. Flimsy door latches and locks.

4 CARJACKING Keep all car doors locked and windows closed while in or out of your car. Set your alarm or use an anti-theft device. Avoid driving alone or at night. If you have to drive at night always park in well-lighted areas. Don't park in isolated or visually obstructed areas near walls or heavy foliage. Park as close as you can to your destination and take notice of where you parked. Avoid parking next to vans, trucks with camper shells, or cars with tinted windows. Use valet parking or an attended garage, if you are driving alone. As you walk to your car be alert to suspicious persons sitting in cars. Ask for a security escort if you are alone at a shopping center.

5 JOGGING SAFETY Jog with a partner. Jog in familiar areas, and avoid secluded places. Do not jog alone after dark. Wear a reflective vest during hours of darkness. Always lock your door when you leave and carry a key, someone might be waiting for you to leave. Carry pepper spray If you have a dog let them jog with you Keep volume low on headphone or don’t wear any at all If you are on the phone remember to watch your surroundings. Being distracted makes you a good target.

6 PHONE CALLS Dealing with obscene or annoying phones calls, first thing hang up! By staying on the phone you are allowing them to continue their behavior. Do not talk to strangers. Do not interview the caller to try to find out who he or she is. Do not let your answering machine give you away, that you live alone or are not home. Suggested recorded message "Your message is important to me, please leave your name and number". This message does not leave indication that no one is home or that you are alone. Do not use your name on the answering machine. Verify through the company if someone calls YOU wanting to schedule an appointment to come out to your house for any kind of survey or service call.

7 PARTIES AND DATE RAPE Drink safely! Date rape drugs can be tasteless and colorless. Never leave your drink unattended, not even for a second! Always get your own drink. If at a bar, watch the bartender physically pour your drink. Don’t take sips of other people’s drink, especially someone you do not know! Never take a drink from someone at a party, club, bar, restaurant, etc. Do not drink from open beverage sources like punch bowls, pitchers or tubs. Never hesitate to call the police if you think you or someone else may have been drugged.

8 DRINK TESTING STRIPS Drink testing strips. You can test your drink by dipping strip it in your cup or glass. The strip will change color if any drugs are detected. $25 Rape-Drug-Detection/dp/B0001ZNZYC Rape-Drug-Detection/dp/B0001ZNZYC 20 tests for $8 test-kits/

9 PERSONAL SAFETY TIPS If you are being followed, walk to a crowded place. Never drive home if you believe you are being followed, if you know where a police station is, drive there. Always be aware of your surroundings. Always let someone know where you are going and what time you might be back. (Especially on first dates!) If you believe someone is about to hurt or rob you, start screaming, yelling, run away, call someone’s name to make them think you are not alone. Act confident, try not to show fear, show anger. An attacker is looking for an easy victim not someone who may get them caught.

10 TIPS FOR PREVENTING ASSAULT Always pay attention to your surroundings (people/ cars) Stay in well-lit areas at night. Don’t hesitate to ask someone to walk you to your car. When walking down the street face oncoming traffic. Look behind you often and pay attention to who is around you. If you are lost, try to remain looking confident. Never hesitate to call the police if you are scared and not sure where you are. Be cautious when people ask you for money, directions, or even to take their picture! Always keep your car locked! Someone may try to hide in it to grab you, once in your car always lock your door to prevent someone trying to get in. If your car breaks down. Lock the doors and call the roadside assistance, a a friend or the police. If you do not have a way to call anyone. Open your hood and remain in your car with the doors locked.

11 WHAT MAKES A GOOD VICTIM Talking on the phone not paying attention to what/who is around you. Headphones on. Walking/jogging alone in parking lots, parking garages, dark alleys, or neighborhoods at night. Assuming if a person looks normal, they are “safe” to talk to. Not all attackers are going to be wearing hoodies and sunglasses. Sitting in your car in a parking lot after shopping, working out, etc. This is a good time for them to jump into the car with you. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time! i.e. don’t walk to the gas station at night, midnight movies by yourself, grocery shopping.

12 DEFENSE TIPS It is always a good idea to carry pepper spray and/or a stun gun. LEARN HOW TO USE IT. If you are familiar and comfortable with guns, get your CHL and carry. If you do, know that one day you may have to use and ask yourself if you can live with whatever may happen. Also know that any weapon can be taken and used against you so make sure you are familiar with it. Use your elbow, bite, scream, punch, kick. Never let an attacker get you in a car, do anything you can to get away. Scream “FIRE” oppose to “HELP”, often people do not want to get involved with situations and screaming fire will draw attention.



15 RESOURCES Free Safety and Self Defense Tips for Women. (n.d.). Retrieved from strse-template/safety-dsh-tips/Page.bok strse-template/safety-dsh-tips/Page.bok Safety Tips For Women. (n.d.). Retrieved from Top 10 Safety Tips For Women « Power to Change. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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