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Breaking down widget silos with a friendly Wookie Sander van der Waal

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Presentation on theme: "Breaking down widget silos with a friendly Wookie Sander van der Waal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Breaking down widget silos with a friendly Wookie Sander van der Waal

2 Apache Wookie (Incubating) Entered incubator July ‘09 Originally developed in EU project TenCompetence (Framework 6 IP) Release 0.9 underway

3 Widgets? Mini portable applications Small view area Examples include games, clocks, feed displays Lots of competing models: – iPhone SDK, Android SDK, Apple Dashboard, Opera Widgets, Nokia Widgets, Google OpenSocial etc

4 W3C Widget Specs Packaging and Configuration –Last Call / Review ended: 2010-10-26 –100 % conformance The Widget Interface –Last Call / Review ended: 2010-09-28 –95 % conformance Widget Access Request Policy (WARP) –Candidate Recommendation –Conformance tests TBA

5 W3C DAP Device APIs & Policy Working Group Collection of client-side APIs Specifications for: –Camera –Contacts –Device status and settings –Messaging –Media gallery Input from eg. Nokia's APIs and BONDI

6 W3C Widget How-to Create : –HTML + CSS + JavaScript + image files –Add a “config.xml” file with some basic info Zip the lot Change the extension to.wgt Deploy in widget server That's it.

7 Wookie is… A Widget runtime for websites Lets you upload and deploy widgets Supports – W3C Widgets P&C, W3C Widgets Interface – Google / OpenSocial Gadgets Provides 3 rd party APIs – Google Wave Gadget API – BONDI client APIs

8 Wookie is also… Framework for integrating 3 rd party client APIs Integrates into other apps via plugins – Moodle – Wordpress – Drupal, Elgg, LAMS, BlackBoard Provides connector frameworks for integration – PHP, Python, Ruby, C#

9 Wookie is…

10 Wookie under the hood Java web application REST API for applications to access widgets JavaScript API objects for widgets at runtime Admin UI for managing W3C Widgets JPA for server-side storage Comet / DWR used for processing JS events

11 Wookie REST API GET /widgets –Gets the list of widgets installed POST /widgetinstances –Instantiate a widget POST /participants –Add a participant to a widget instance Lots more at

12 Widget File Structure

13 confix.xml File Structure <widget xmlns="" id="" height="125" width="125"> Weather A silly Weather widget Scott Wilson Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License (see

14 Widget API example Widget.preferences – Gives access to preferences stored for the widget Widget.preferences.setItem(name, value) – Widget.preferences.setItem('displayStatus', this.checked) Widget.preferences.getItem(name) – Widget.preferences.getItem("displayStatus") Widget.proxify(external_url) – Access external url

15 Security and privacy While you can store user credentials in widget.preferences, this is not very secure In future oAuth may be added to Widgets and Wookie, which will make life a lot easier Widgets are bound by same-origin policy; until CORS is implemented, you need to use the server-side proxy offered by Wookie for AJAX calls

16 Widget runtime APIs <feature name="" required="true" /> W3C Widget Object : preferences, metadata BONDI camera API, W3C DAP Google Wave Gadget API : state, participants SCORM CMI API (eLearning).. anything else!

17 Let's see that in action.. Simple widgets Widgets using 3 rd party APIs

18 Collaborative Apps Use W3C Widgets packaging and widget object API with the Google Wave Gadgets API Runs in Wookie, no Wave server needed APIs: – State – Participants

19 State State is shared across widgets with the same IRI in the same shared context. State is propagated to related widgets using an event callback State is set by submitting deltas (as associative arrays) or single values

20 State example wave.setStateCallback(stateUpdated); stateUpdated = function(){ var keys = wave.getState().getKeys(); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { alert(wave.getState().get(keys[i])); } }; wave.getState().submitValue(“key”, “value”);

21 Participants Information about users accessing the widget Set by the plug-in by calling Wookie’s participants REST API Viewer is the current user object; participants is the set of users Good to have fallback as widget may be used in a “guest access” environment with no viewer

22 Participants example wave.setParticipantCallback(refreshMembers); refreshMembers: function(){ var participants = wave.getParticipants(); var memberList = ""; for (participant in participants) { name = participants[participant].getDisplayName(); memberList = name + " " + memberList; }... }


24 More action.. Collaborating widgets – Sharing state – Using participants

25 Get Involved! Create widgets Wookie can serve up Create plugins to connect Wookie with other platforms Create features that add more runtime capabilities Contribute to improving the server code itself

26 Come along! Interested in Social/Widget/Gadget based Portal Project? BOF / MeetUp tonight! 20:00 – 22:00, Room 4

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