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Welcome to EYFS Milverton Primary School. Key adults Class RN – Mrs Nicol and Mrs Nolan Miss Richmond (Teaching Assistant) Class RH – Miss Hockley Miss.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to EYFS Milverton Primary School. Key adults Class RN – Mrs Nicol and Mrs Nolan Miss Richmond (Teaching Assistant) Class RH – Miss Hockley Miss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to EYFS Milverton Primary School

2 Key adults Class RN – Mrs Nicol and Mrs Nolan Miss Richmond (Teaching Assistant) Class RH – Miss Hockley Miss Worwood (Teaching Assistant) Miss Bird (Teaching Assistant – 1:1 specific ) Mr Wilde (current Headteacher) Mr Fisher (Headteacher Sept. 2016) Mrs Belmega (Deputy Headteacher)

3 Induction to school What is this? We want every child to be happy at school. We want every child to be confident to leave their parents/carers and settle in smoothly to school life. We aim to achieve this by – Creating a happy environment in which children can settle with familiar adults. Lots of introductory meetings with their teacher (two welcome afternoons, nursery visit and a home visit). Initially a part time entry. Shorter ‘bursts’ of time at school will hopefully mean children become more familiar with their environment, with adults working with them and some simple routines.

4 2 Welcome Afternoons In these informal sessions your child will explore the classroom areas – Investigator Room, Explorer Room and Adventurer Area, with you Last for 45 minutes each Staff will be available to discuss any further questions from adults. We want to become familiar faces Arrange a home visit if not already done so.

5 Nursery Transition Teachers aim to visit most nursery settings where possible. This is another chance to meet your child and to have discussions with your child’s key workers to pass on information. Nurseries will communicate their end of year assessments with school and handover transition information.

6 September Home Visit What will happen? Your child’s class teacher and teaching assistant will visit your child. Normally last around 30 minutes. We will bring a class toy, book and Milverton book bag (provided by the PTA) Your child can play with us or share something of interest You can ask us questions or tell us things (no question is silly, honestly)! Please keep the day as normal as possible for your child! It isn’t a test or inspection!! PLEASE SIGN UP FOR THIS TONIGHT!

7 Part Time - 12 th and 13 th September Why part-time when my child has been at pre-school full-time? ……because there is so much more for children to take on board A new environment Lots of other children New and fewer adults New routines All of these often equals an exhausted child too!

8 Summer and Autumn Timetable Welcome afternoons Wed 29 th June and Thurs 7 th July Either 1.20 – 2.05pm or 2.15 – 3.00pm Home visits 5 th – 9 th September Start of School Sept 2016 Short days Monday 12th and Tuesday 13 th September for 1 st two days. 8.55 – 1.30 Packed lunch required Wednesday 14th, Thursday 15 th and Friday 16 th September 8.55 – 3.20 pm. All children require a packed lunch.

9 Additional strategies to create a positive introduction into school… Staggered playtimes Attend whole school assemblies later in the term Earlier lunchtimes to ‘practise’ routines Buddy system After the first week children can have a mix of hot dinners (these will be free for infant children) and packed lunches should you wish (regular routine preferable).

10 More About Lunches Can cater for vegetarians, allergies, dairy intolerance etc. There are 2 hot lunch options per day (a menu is available online, Warwickshire County Caterers). Nut products (including products with a high nut content e.g. peanut butter, Nutella) should not be present in packed lunches as we are a Nut Free School.

11 Essentials Check List Fill in pre-admission form and return to school during the welcome afternoons, if not before. Time keeping Picking up – please let us know if different from recognised/named adults Complete spare set of clothes inc. wellies Send coats every day! Water bottle kept in school PE kit – white t-shirt, black shorts, black pumps DBS (formally CRB) police check form filled in online if you would like to volunteer/help with school trips Please contact Mrs Bish for relevant details LABEL EVERYTHING WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME!

12 Milk Provided by ‘CoolMilk’ Free for children under 5 The school will register ALL Reception children – please let us know if you would like to opt out of the milk scheme by Friday 11 th July. When your child turns 5 you can choose to pay for milk – this is done directly with ‘CoolMilk’. We recommend that you register with Cool Milk when you receive the registration form, so that they can contact you before your child turns five.

13 What should my child aim to do before starting school? Get dressed independently Put on their own coat Go to the toilet independently Flush the toilet and wash their hands Fill their own school bag Encourage an interest and enjoyment in stories by reading to them regularly. Playing family board games – encourages turn taking, concentration, use of dice to promote counting

14 A typical day in Reception 8.55am a prompt start to the day! 9.00 – 10.05am first session 10.05am fruit, drink 10.25 playtime 10.45 – 12.00 second session 12.00 – 1.00pm lunchtime and playtime 1.00 – 3.00pm third session 3.00 – 3.20pm story time 3.20pm a prompt end to the day!

15 Areas within our EYFS …We have 3 areas which the children will learn in: - The Explorer Room – Activity Room The Investigator Room – Quieter Room The Adventurer Area – Outdoor Classroom Children will take part in activities in all of the areas throughout the week.

16 The children are split in to 2 registration groups: RN (Mrs Nicol and Mrs Nolan) RH (Miss Hockley) For most activities we will work as one Early Years unit. The children will work in mixed groups with all of the adults in our team, in all of the different areas of our unit.

17 Areas of Learning The Foundation stage curriculum is split into seven areas of learning 3 Prime Areas 1. Communication and Language 2. Physical Development 3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development 4 Specific Areas 4. Literacy 5. Mathematics 6. Understanding of the World 7. Expressive Arts and Design

18 Personal, Social and Emotional Development Encourages children to be confident, independent learners. Helps children to learn social skills and interact cooperatively with both adults and peers. Encourages understanding and tolerance of different families, cultures and beliefs.

19 Communication and Language Will help children to develop talking and listening skills. Important for social activities but also for writing. Enable children to hear sounds in words – first step in being able to read and spell.

20 Physical Development Supports children’s development of practical skills – gross and fine motor. Helps them to move confidently, developing a sense of space around them and to balance. Children learn the importance of keeping healthy and those things which contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

21 Literacy (reading & writing) Will help children to read simple words and eventually sentences independently. Develop skills in pencil control and mark making.

22 Mathematics Helps children learn to count, order and recognise numerals within 10 and beyond. Encourages them to use and understand mathematical vocabulary such as heavy/light, more than, less than and so on. Supports children’s understanding of shape, position and measure. Develops children’s problem solving skills.

23 Understanding of the World Helps children gain an understanding of the world around them (geography) and to find out about changes over time (history). Encourages them to explore and investigate (science). Will give children the opportunity to develop skills in using a wide range of ICT creatively (computers, digital cameras, microscopes, beebots).

24 Expressive Arts and Design Children explore colour, texture, and shape in both 2D and 3D artistic pursuits. Children use their imagination and develop confidence. Develop an interest in music, music making, singing, dance, construction and drama.

25 Any questions? School Office Contact Number 01926 424043

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