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Accents The natural rise of pitch in vowels when pronouncing words is known as stress. All languages have stress, but not all have written accent marks.

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Presentation on theme: "Accents The natural rise of pitch in vowels when pronouncing words is known as stress. All languages have stress, but not all have written accent marks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accents The natural rise of pitch in vowels when pronouncing words is known as stress. All languages have stress, but not all have written accent marks. In Spanish, there are general rules for when a written accent is required, generally based on the location of the stressed syllable in each word. The following guidelines will help you determine the stressed vowels that need written accent marks.

2 Palabras llanas Words with stress on the second-to-last syllable are called palabras llanas. When palabras llanas end in a vowel, n, or s, they do NOT have a written accent mark. (Hint: Throughout the lesson, say each word aloud and listen for the stress.) ca-sa, ge-ne-ra-li-za-do, ha-blan, pa-la-bras When palabras llanas end in any consonant other than n or s, they have a written accent. a-zú-car, cés-ped, fá-cil, mó-vil

3 Palabras agudas Words with stress on the last syllable are called palabras agudas. When palabras agudas end in any consonant other than n or s, they do NOT have a written accent. can-tar, ex-cep-cio-nal, fe-li-ci-dad, ve-jez When palabras agudas end in a vowel, n, or s, they have a written accent. can-ción, es-trés, par-ti-ci-pé, vein-ti-dós

4 Palabras esdrújulas and sobresdrújulas Words that have stress on the third-to-last syllable are called palabras esdrújulas and words that have stress on the fourth-to-last syllable are called sobresdrújulas. Palabras esdrújulas and sobresdrújulas all have a written accent where the stress is heard. Palabras esdrújulasPalabras sobresdrújulas mé-di-coes-crí-be-me-lo mur-cié-la-godán-do-se-la tí-pi-caa-guán-ta-me-la á-ni-molé-e-se-lo

5 Vowel Combinations With Written Accents Words ending in the vowel combination -ía often have a written accent over the i, such as in the imperfect tense of –er and –ir verbs. co-mí-a, te-ní-a-mos Other words include: ge-o-me-trí-a, tí-a Other words with vowel sound combinations in which one vowel is accented include: o-ír, bú-ho, mí-o, pro-hí-bo, tí-o The examples above are cases of hiatus. Review the lesson “Diphthongs, Hiatus, and Triphtongs” for more practice on these vowel combinations.

6 Written Accents on Interrogative and Exclamatory Words In Spanish, interrogative words in direct questions and exclamatory words have a written accent on the stressed vowel. InterrogativoExclamatorio ¿Adónde vas para comer?¡Cuánto lo siento! ¿Cuándo es la fiesta?¡Qué desastre! ¿Por qué no hizo la tarea?

7 Adverbs Ending in -mente In Spanish, adverbs ending in –mente whose adjectives contain a written accent retain the accent mark over the original vowel. AdjetivoAdverbio difícil  difícilmente rápido  rápidamente tímido  tímidamente último  últimamente

8 Helpful Hints 1. To hear the stressed syllable in a word, say the word aloud. 2. Review the syllables lesson in order to have a complete idea of how written accents are connected to syllabification. 3. Review the lesson “Monosyllabic Words and Diacritic Accents” for the usage and meanings of one- syllable words with and without written accents.

9 Práctica A Based on the rules you learned, decide if the stressed vowel in the syllable in bold needs an accent or not. 1. leccion 2. cansado 3. tecnico 4. carcel 5. envuelveselo 6. pared 7. atmosfera 8. amable 9. digamelo 10. hablame

10 ANSWERS Práctica A 1. lección 2. cansado 3. técnico 4. cárcel 5. envuélveselo 6. pared 7. atmósfera 8. amable 9. dígamelo 10. háblame

11 Práctica B The stressed syllable is bolded in each of the following words. Use what you know about accents and rewrite each word with the correct accent mark if needed. 1. visite 2. dificil 3. proximo 4. extraño 5. rapido 6. cartas 7. sabado 8. ingles 9. cancion 10. arbol

12 ANSWERS Práctica B 1. visité 2. difícil 3. próximo 4. extraño 5. rápido 6. cartas 7. sábado 8. inglés 9. canción 10. árbol

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