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“Brezhnev’s mother visits her son in the Kremlin soon after his coming to power. When she hears about his fine apartment, his luxurious dacha (cottage),

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2 “Brezhnev’s mother visits her son in the Kremlin soon after his coming to power. When she hears about his fine apartment, his luxurious dacha (cottage), his expensive cars, and other material comforts, she says, “Leonid, my son, I’m so proud of you, but one thing worries me: What will you do when the Communists take over?”

3 Brezhnev 1964-1982



6 Andropov 1982-1984

7 Chernenko 1984-85

8 AccomplishmentsProblems From backwards to modernEconomic growth slowed from 5% to 3% to 2% from 60s to 70s to 80s In the winner’s circle at the end of WWIIEndless line-ups for consumer goods – black market emerged Drastic improvements in the lives of Soviet citizens (health, education, food) Had to rely on imported grain Longer life expectanciesRationing for common items was necessary Consumer goods were inferior in quality Resources used inefficiently “guns before butter” = an undermined domestic economy Political stagnation and corruption = Orwell’s pigs


10 Gorbachev 1985-1991

11 Chernobyl


13 “Glasnost” ~policy of open discussion of political and social issues. Newspapers less censored Gorby announces USSR is not yet socialist – his goal was to “democratize” communism, believing that would be better than capitalism

14 “Perestroika” restructuring within the Communist Party Rebuild the spirit of détente with West Elected, instead of appointed, officials

15 The Collapse “ I don’t care about politics, I want sausage.”

16 “500 Day Plan” Production declined a drastic 18%, deficit grew to 14%

17 G-7 Summit 1991 International leaders wouldn’t approve a loan to Gorbachev

18 Union Treaty Allowed more autonomy to the republics of the USSR

19 Attempted coup d’etat 1991 hard-line members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union were opposed to Gorbachev's reform program and the new union treaty

20 Coup d’etat 1991

21 Yelstin – 1991-1999

22 The End of the Soviet Union December 1, 1991 – vote for independence in Ukraine (largest and most powerful republic) December 25, 1991 – USSR abolished

23 Vladimir Putin 2000-2008

24 Dmitry Medvedev 2008-2012

25 Vladimir Putin 2012-present

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