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Worldviews 2: Deism, Pantheism, and Theism Justin Kim November 1, 2008.

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1 Worldviews 2: Deism, Pantheism, and Theism Justin Kim November 1, 2008

2 Seven Worldviews Deism, Atheism, Pantheism, Panentheism, Limited Godism, Polytheism, and Theism Christians need to understand that each of these worldviews are consistent and continually need to be developed. Adventists have much to learn, gain confidence for ourselves, and have much to contribute.

3 Deism God is supreme power, must be worshipped. Humans are moral and should repent – no need of Christ; rejection of Bible. “Common sense Christianity” – halfway between theism and atheism – individualistic. “Clockwork God”; “Constitution” religion Declined because 1 st and 2 nd GA’s

4 Pantheism 1. Inner conciousness – expand beyond humanity. 2. One holistic-ness – nature, animals, env. 3. Human power – energies All genders are the same – anti-sexual “Emptification” – yoga, zen, meditation Man is God in a temporary state of self- forgetfulness. Spiritual, but not religious.

5 1. Origin Job 38:1 – 40:2 God uses design to substantiate His existence (teleological argument). –William Dembski, Intelligent Design Theory –Michael Behe, Darwin’s Black Box – irreducible complexity The atheist willingly places himself not to view these things. Atheism creates other implausible theories to explain other unprobable theories. The sense of awe, wonder, and contentment are not acknowledged or have any meaning. Theism

6 1.Origin (Cosmological argument) “…we scientists did not expect to find evidence for an abrupt beginning because we have hand, until recently, such extraordinary success in tracing the chain of cause and effect backward in time… At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.” – Robert Jastrow, NASA

7 1. Origin Christian Theism –Emphasis on love Love begat life. Life did not begat love. –Emphasis on justice. Character of God places responsibility on creatures Responsibility is to advertise/reflect the character of God. –Adventist contribution to theism: the Great Controversy metanarrative where justice and love are equally balanced.

8 2. Values in Comparison The essence of Christian theism and highest value is love. Love is defined and values protected through morality -> 10 Commandments Inability to understand love results in inability to understand morality. Atheism relegates morality to the private, personal, and individual. Atheism deals with sin, not because it believes in God, but because it is empirically verifiable. Education does not result in morality and values as atheism promotes, but results in educated sinners. Atheism: How can ships not bump into each other? – social ethics Theism: Why are ships in the ocean? How can we keep ships in top shape?

9 3. Meaning Meaning is found through the expression of love -> relationships. “Tell my family I love them.” God created things with meaning; they are accessed through love. Atheism – no love, no meaning. –Marxism – relationships are economic transactions –Freudian – relationships are sexual projections

10 3. Meaning in Relationships a. You and Yourself –Theism – Die to self, live for God – constant improvement, reflection, peace with self, absolute freedom, getting higher –Atheism – No self-examination, never improving, just changing, no peace.

11 b. You and Community –Theism – God uses changed heart to change society – power of influence. Family has meaning – honor thy parents. Holiness of Sexuality and Marriage. –Atheism – Monad, parents family are meaningless, just genetic components. Sexuality is mere biological act.

12 c. You and History –Theism – History “means” something – learn from the past, live in the present, have in hope of potential for the future. –Atheism – Time means nothing, either live in the present or live for the future.

13 4. Life The reason to live is to enjoy the meaning God has placed in various entities (love), exalt the Creator who made these things to happen, and the values attributed to them by Him. Eternal life then starts now (John 17:3). It is death then than has no meaning (resurrection: 1 Cor 15:51-55). Eternal life without love is eternal torture.

14 Conclusion Looking at the atheistic worldview, we realize that many are living inconsistently or are intellectual cowards (secular humanists). Looking at the theistic worldview, we must through self- examination realize if we are just as inconsistent as others are, or if we are consistent to the principles of biblical theism. Understanding these models gives us a general map of their ideological systems as well as a confidence and guide in our witnessing.

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