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Isolation of the fibrous press-cake fraction from a range of grass silages King, C. a,b, McEniry, J. a, O’Kiely, P. a & Richardson, M. b a AGRIC, Teagasc,

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Presentation on theme: "Isolation of the fibrous press-cake fraction from a range of grass silages King, C. a,b, McEniry, J. a, O’Kiely, P. a & Richardson, M. b a AGRIC, Teagasc,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Isolation of the fibrous press-cake fraction from a range of grass silages King, C. a,b, McEniry, J. a, O’Kiely, P. a & Richardson, M. b a AGRIC, Teagasc, Grange, Dunsany, Co. Meath, Ireland; b School of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

2 Grassland biomass Press-cakePress-juice Fractionation Insulation Particle board Paper ….. Lactic acid Amino acids ….. Potential products

3 Objective: Investigate the effects of… - water temperature - detergent - repeated washing - mechanical pressing ….on the isolation of a fibre-rich press-cake fraction from a range of grass silages Experiment 1 Experiment 2

4 Experiment 1:  Water temperature: 20, 40 & 60°C  Detergent: ± Grass silages: - Species: Perennial ryegrass (PRG) & cocksfoot - Harvest: 26 May & 7 July (primary growth)

5 Procedure: Silage composition Processing Silage + water (± detergent) Appropriate temperature for 30 mins + mixing Mechanical pressing (a) Proportion of ‘solubles’ removed (b) Press-cake composition Agronomy & ensiling

6 Expt. 1 – results:  Low temperature effective for isolation of press-cake fraction - No further benefit of increasing temperature Grass species x temperature

7 Expt. 1 – results:  No added benefit from detergent  More difficult to fractionate later harvested herbage Harvest x detergent

8 Experiment 2:  Washing: 1, 2 or 3 washes (@ 60 °C)  Mechanical pressing: 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 MPa Grass silages: - Species: Italian ryegrass & timothy - Harvest: 12 May, 9 June & 7 July (primary growth)

9 Expt. 2 – results:  Washing enhances the isolation of press-cake fraction - Largest increase in [NDF] between wash 1 & 2 Harvest x washing

10 Expt. 2 – results:  Little added benefit of 3 rd washing step  Pressing increases [DM] and [NDF] of press-cake fraction Washing x mechanical pressing

11 Conclusions:  Repeated washing (up to 2 washes) & high pressure mechanical pressing (up to 3.0 MPa) …..most effective for isolating press-cake fraction  Increasing water temperature (20 – 60°C) – little effect  Detergent – no positive impact  Grass species – little effect  Later harvest herbage more difficult to fractionate

12 Funding: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (RSF 07 557) Further information:

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